Friday, January 30, 2015

NFL Culmination 2015

     Every year, around this date, we get to enjoy the Super Bowl. When we get to enjoy the Super Bowl that means we get to enjoy the Super Bowl commercials. We always remember the most awesome commercials. This year Pepsi is poised to be the most dominant.

     In between watching the Patriots get blown away,  let's check out the half time show.


     We have been told that Pepsi owner of the Pepsi company is spending a nasty amount of money on the budget for the Superbowl this year. It looks like we're going to, at least, see Katy Perry working wonders with her vocals.

     When it seems like we've seen all the ads and marketing that we can see, there's always something more to see. When was the last time you saw Lenny Kravitz in a commercial?

     As you well know, the Pepsi company isn't the only company willing to spend a few million on some commercials. Try to weave the kick in the head from commercials on February 1st. Even the non watching football persons will want to see some of these TV commercials.  Don't fall asleep for the halftime show.

     "The Man", at Frito Lay, Ram Krishnan, chief marketing officer, is ready to go toe to toe in the advertisement ring.

     One might wonder, why Pepsi, who cares? Well, Pepsi owns Gatorade. Enough said.

     Let's look at some statistics:
--spend $3.5 million-$4.5 million on a Super Bowl spot- earn customer loyalty throughout the rest of the year.
-- get everyone's attention- your product gets noticed by 185 million domestic fans for football.

     Maybe we have already discussed this before, but the huge amounts of money being shed for some advertisement is always interesting. We might see the Seattle Seahawks crush a few Pepsi cans while crushing the New England Patriots.

     We'll also see the culmination of the long-running “Crash the Super Bowl” competition in which it , "asks consumers to send in their entries for their videos to be made into the brand’s big game ad, for example. The competition received about 4,900 entries, and the finalists’ videos — which can be viewed on a dedicated website — have racked up more than 3.2 billion impressions"(

     PepsiCo has reportedly doled out a considerable amount:
--half time show- $4.5 million, not including some 30-second slots
--second-screen paid activity planned with Facebook and Twitter--undisclosed

     Lowden, Pepsi executive, says "PepsiCo’s massive marketing program drives traffic into stores. Retailers love this and offer up more shelf space and coveted end-of-aisle slots. PepsiCo sells more products. It’s a perfect circle.  It’s something that can only come out of its brand’s already-strong associations with the NFL — something many brand advertisers simply don’t and likely never will have so long as PepsiCo continues its relationship with the league".

     Lowden adds: “The NFL would say their best partner, without a doubt, is PepsiCo. We are three years into a 10-year deal. With that comes enormous trust and planning: We started planning Super Bowl 50 in San Francisco a year ago. We plan together and become part of the brand team.”

     Super Bowl plans:

Pepsi-  half-time show starring Katy Perry and Lenny Kravitz, plus a lead-in commercial.

-Viewers can "shop" the half time show, buying the items that appear on screen via platforms like Twitter/ ShopTV.

-Twitter Amplify and Facebook activity to promote the second-screen experience throughout the show.

-Outdoor advertising all over the Phoenix area — mysterious "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

     Mountain Dew

     11 ads during the Super Bowl pre-game show to showcase two new “KICKSTART” flavors.

     -Tostidos- official chip and dip sponsor of the NFL is hosting a Super Bowl party experience from January 28 to February 1 in downtown Phoenix.

     Are you ready for some football?