The Dronecatcher. All Liam could think about was how lucky he was. He made his way to the park. Livi's there too. She's dependable, he laughed to himself. This was to be an evening/morning that neither of them would ever forget. He looked for a space in the parking lot.
The Dronecatcher.
By the time Liam made it to Olivia, in the woods, she wreaked of expensive parfume, and sweet-sugary lotion. Someone could've placed their hand on a book, and raised their other swearing that it was as if she were baking a cake out there. He thought that in about two weeks, her and her fiancee would decide to go jogging. He is going to bring her here, in the middle of the day, on a weekend. She will see the place where they are, now. She will completely view it all so differently. The world is a warm, loving place. He skeeted, hard and fast inside of her. He kept pumping like a high speed, Texas, oil well.
The Dronecatcher.
James woke up early in the morning, as he did every day. He turned on his coffee maker and attempted to shake off his morning routine. He looked around his ultra-modern, luxurious apartment. It was just the apartment that his significant other had paid for as long as he was ever willing to fulfill his every whim he might have at any place and time. He glanced at the camera. Why not do something different today. He looked around. He glanced passed the "too" expensive drone that was placed on a shelf as if it were modern art. He muffled, "this is boring, today I'm going to wander outside in the dawn of the day, no shoes, or anything. Just the same clothes I've slept in the past two days." His hair was awry. The morning wasn't cold, either. He liked the gentle breeze. Then, a thought hit him. He should blend in with the environment. Street people are usually dirty. He began to roll around in the trimmed, lobby garden that the maintenance people worked hard on. He got dirty and possibly rolled over an old dog terd. "Whatever", he chuckled to himself. He thought he should stand on the boulevard, better yet, lay in the boulevard. He laid down in a half yoga position, when he realized those were rocks. At that moment he began to partake of the scenery. This is something he had never experienced and would never experience again. Has anybody had this experience, he thought. Things looked a lot different. Interesting, even, as his eyes slammed shut. He was jarred awake, with a pair of balls hanging in his face. There was an outstretched hand, and some guy saying, "you need help, bro?" The guy had some little-bitty shorts on and his balls were hanging out. James finally recognized the guy. He didn't really know him. He was an occasional person he would see at the corner store because they both liked the community coffee. He then, snaked his hand past the balls and pointed his long trustworthy, navigating finger into his asshole. A quick incident took place. He heard a car swerve; he might have gotten hit in the face, and he took off running. He made his way back to his luxurious apartment, as he had always done before.
The Dronecatcher.
Kelly woke up in the morning routine that she had always done in the hotel room. She had taken so many business trips to not so fancy cities in order to have business meetings, as she couldn't remember them all. The only time she remembered them was when she was doing her taxes, so she could itemize them as deductions. She stretched and slammed her laptop shut. It was 5:30 a.m. A thought hit her. Today is the day to be healthy. She is going on a jog. She put on her old sneakers. She pushed her puffy, pampered, plump ass into her yoga pants. She threw on her puffy hoodie. Maybe they had her favorite spunkmeyer pastries downstairs. This time she's not leaving to go get lobby breakfast; she's going jogging. She grabbed the card key and left. The hallway was quiet. That's why she enjoys this hotel. Nice artwork on the wall. It's as if she's there all by herself she droned on in thought.
The Dronecatcher.
Alan woke up and stretched; as hungry as ever. Through blurry, cracklin' enhanced vision, he found himself in the lobby breakfast room. The same fucking spunkmeyer donuts. Motherfuckers, he laughed to himself. Then, a thought kicked him in the back of his head. He's going out for breakfast. He remembered where he parked the rental car and proceeded to the elevator.
The Dronecatcher.
Bing, the elevator doors opened. Kelly, and Alan caught each other's eyes. He didn't feel as intimidated this morning. She seemed at ease, too. He playfully said "you're up early this morning." As if he had known her for 30 years. Kelly sneered with him. Maybe it's because they were in a safe place, where no one else could really be, because the guard would wrestle them down, unless they were supposed to be here. I'm going on an early morning job because this business trip is boring. Alan said, "Well I'm going for breakfast and I'm not going to jog it all. As a matter of fact I'm going to have their heart attack combo. "Okay!" they chimed in, simultaneously. They parted the pathway sea, and made their way through the hallways.
The Dronecatcher.
Alan glanced back and thought to himself momentarily, "Why do women always put their hair in a ponytail before they go jogging." He found his rental car.
Kelly thought to herself as she felt the early a.m. breeze to put her ponytail into her hood. It's cool enough for a fast paced, brisk jog. She took off running.
The Dronecatcher.
At 5:30 a.m., Kay, the construction worker fell asleep at the wheel of his expensive digger. He startled awake, and looked about himself really quickly. He could swear somebody had slapped the shit out of him. Simultaneously, as he had spun almost 360°, there was an old ass lady on a walker moving slowly past the cones. It couldn't have been her, he thought to himself, she is barely mobile enough to solo jaunt about this hapless morn. Kay laughed to himself.
The dronecatcher.
A thought hit Alan, again. He's going to jump into his rental car and follow the lady he met in the lobby. He laughed to himself. "Where do I get these random thoughts?" He made the corner in the parking garage and was face to face with the hotel concierge. They droned to each other, "Good morning." He speed walked to his rental car. Try as he may, try as you might, he couldn't find her got damn ass jogging at night.
Kelly had already made the block. She was feeling it now. She went into an in-place jog at the stop light. She jumped and looked over her shoulder swearing that some tall skinny guy was standing there talking to her. "Fucking ass stop signal." The stop signal had a loud automatic voice. Was this always here? She had passed this place a million times before and never noticed it. Maybe because her windows were always rolled up and she was in her car droning on to her meeting in the morning at this time. Now she was a passerby. Click click click, that shit is fucking loud, she laughed to herself. As she was about to leave the curb a car sped passed her. "Asshole." She sneered. She then notice there were two bums arguing in the middle of the street. A rental car swerved past them. One of them took off laughing. Got damn faggots. No one else out here this early, except for that construction worker. She jogged off into the breeze. Two more cars sped passed her. She thought she recognized one guy from her meetings. I think his name is Charlie.
The Dronecatcher.