Saturday, November 26, 2011

The NBA Players aren’t locked out, anymore.

Let them in.  BIG, BIG triple header time.  Christmas. 

The NBA begins again on December 25, 2011.  Free agents are open and so are the training camps, as of December 9.  The teams can ball for two weeks before the games.  The schedule will either resume with the already scheduled games, or the schedule will be overhauled.  Tape a TV to your ear hole with the news on.
“On nearly every count, the deal favors the owners, who had sought an overhaul all along. The players made significant concessions, including a reduction of up to $300 million year in salaries, $3 billion over the life of the agreement.” NEW YORK TIMES, By HOWARD BECK, Published: November 26, 2011.

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