We have all heard of the morning after pill. The better, more respectful term to use is postcoital contraception. Some choices are better than others.
Ulipristal is effective, but hasn’t shown to have advantages over other drugs. An older, well tested postcoital contraception pill active ingredient is levonogestrel.
There is a sensitive time period for the application of the morning after pill. How long is the morning of the morning after? Well, levonorgestrel is recommended to be utilized up to 5 days after the unprotected intercourse has taken place.
Supposed you had a Ciroc Valentine’s Day. The grace period can be extended to February 19, 2012. Safely, the drug has also been approved for use during the first 3 days.
You got the twisted. Emergency contraception medicine is not a synonym for ‘abortion pill.’ The set treatment phase gives the term ‘emergency’. Morning after is termed ‘postcoital’. So, the emergency contraception pill is to be administered following sex without propalactics, or other safety applications. The purpose is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The synonym is ‘morning after’ pill.
The abortion pill is for women who have already confirmed that they are pregnant. The abortion pill enables the individual to end an early pregnancy. It is administered 4 to 7 weeks after becoming pregnant.
Over the counter levonorgestrel is available in several brands. One brand is Plan B One-Step which is a single tablet containing 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel. Another brand is Next Choice which is taken as two doses. Each dose contains 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel. The doses are to be 12 hours apart. It is possible to combine the two into one single dose. Doctors are able to use the copper-releasing intrauterine device (IUD). The IUD may be used as an alternative emergency contraception method. The device is inserted by your health care provider within 5 days of irresponsible copulation. The device can be removed after your next period. The device alternatively can be left in place to provide ongoing birth control. Emergency contraception is most effective within 24 hours of sex. Afterwards, the emergency contraception may still prevent pregnancy for up to 5 days.
Now that we have all heard of the morning after pill, VALENTINE’S DAY can be a exactly what you have been dreaming of.