Thursday, May 30, 2013

Live in your vacation Dream

     Your vacation dreams are always 100% stress free.  Imagine being sleep while you are awake.

     Stress affects everyone at any given time, when you are at work, at home, at the gym, etc. Stress can become a serious ailment.  When in excessive amounts, stress can lead to physical ailments such as ulcers or mental impairment such as depression. To avoid developing such conditions it is important to effectively manage stress. Managing stress begins with defining the cause of your stress. Personal situations can cause stress, but the environment can also be a main cause of stress.   Where are you living?  Where are you sleeping?  Where is your neighborhood?

     When you are totally relaxed and in a deep sleep pay attention to your body, and your frame of mind.  Listen and learn from your dreams.  Set some relaxing goals, and don’t be afraid to day dream, sometimes.  When you have a really great dream try to remember it by writing it down after you wake up.  Look at the surroundings involved.  Was the dream in a house? 

Dreams relating to a house often refers to various aspects of the Self. When trying to analyze the house in your dream, consider also how the house is kept and the condition of it. The rooms in the house relate to facets of your personality


     Was the dream in Las Vegas?  Well, for $7.9 million you could own a home just off the Vegas strip with a fully equipped, customized casino where the house never wins.   Is that a fabulous dream, or what?  Some retired old guy, already living his dream,  says that the worst thing about living in a Las Vegas hotel penthouse  is a bad day in the casino.  His own private casino.


     Living in a sugar coated candy cloud can happen to you.  Take these inspiring words for example:

     Right now is a miracle. Right now is the only moment guaranteed to us. Right now is life. So let us stop thinking about how great things will be in the future. Stop dwelling on what did or didn't happen in the past. Learn to be in the here and now and experience life as its happening. Appreciate the world for the beauty that it holds, right now. Lets start noticing and living in the present !! 
 Glen Rambharack quotes 


     Just get you a nice two room tent and go back to the hunting and gathering days.  Is that your dream?  At $20,000 for a little plot in rural New York, what would you like to put on it?  If you are looking for a great hunting spot just remember we are all neighbors with somebody, the deer, turkey, fox and rabbits all live there too!


     Americans are finding it more difficult to relax, especially with economy changes and fewer employees.  Fewer employees means more work, individually. Advances in technology have helped in many ways but it has also made it easier for our employer, clients and co-workers to reach us.  Whisk yourself away, permanently.  Build that at-home office you have been dreaming of.

      Live in your vacation dream.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


So, are you going to college?

In 2013, you might as well look at continued education as minimum requirements for any job. 


Consulting firm Accenture conducted a survey by speaking with 1,005 students who graduated from college in 2011 and 2012.  The survey, out Tuesday, found that 41% of college graduates from the last two years are stuck in jobs that don't require a degree (New York, CNN Money, Isidore May 1, 2013)


You have done the math already.  All of the students working jobs with a no degree requirement are moving the bar up a notch.  Take into consideration that employers find that the person with the degree might be overqualified, but demonstrates a higher degree of work performance.  Thus, you do need a degree to have that position.

When an applicant reaches the EDUCATION box on a job application, it should be full, and diverse.  One four year degree, a few certificates, and a master’s degree show great diversity and better qualifications.  Graduates get their hopes up without an understanding of the economy out of the textbook.  There is a lack of job options.  The typical graduate will feel that if a different major had been taken there would not be an unemployment problem. 


“Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed said they would need additional training in order to start their chosen career, with 42% saying they expect to go to graduate school (New York, CNN Money, Isidore May 1, 2013).”

 “Most jobs attract a large number of applicants, and those who have graduated from college are more attractive to employers, because they have taken an additional step toward gaining knowledge, skills and training (”


When you get the question, “So, are you going to college?”  This question should follow with a quick, proud, self-assured, “Yes, indeed.  You want to see what my application will look like?”

Those that have gone to college are always pleased to answer that question. In the EDUCATION box, there isn’t enough lines.