Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Economic Launch to Space

     The EARTH has been completely colonized since long, long ago.  Colonies translate into economies.  Space economy.  The first step will include a space colony.

     "The exploration and use of outer space shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries and shall be the province of all mankind."

     Humanity has explored in a 360° pattern.  The path less traveled is an upward opening interval.  We've used the off-road trucks. We've used the submarines.  Space ships are more expensive. Let's use space ships.

     Now, upward mobility is drastically changing with rocket, electronic, and technological advancements. Space will take its place on the lists of top ten travel destinations.  Earth's atmosphere will have rest stops with restrooms.

     "How long will it be until we get there?"
(Quote: unknown author)

     Why did the star decide to take a vacation?
It needed some space. (rd.com)

     Global citizens will be applying for travel credit cards that include frequent "space" travel miles.  At the 63 miles marker, we might see a satellite that reads, "Welcome to space.".

     Why 62 miles/100 kilometers?  The Karma line is the boundary.

     Earth ends and outer space starts at the Kármán line, some 62 miles (100 kilometers) above the planet’s surface.  (astronomy.com)

     "The Kármán line is based on physical reality in the sense that it roughly marks the altitude where traditional aircraft can no longer effectively fly. Anything traveling above the Kármán line needs a propulsion system that doesn’t rely on lift generated by Earth’s atmosphere — the air is simply too thin that high up. In other words, the Kármán line is where the physical laws governing a craft's ability to fly shift. "   (astronomy.com)

     Space economy includes tourism, production, trade and commerce goods and services taking place between Karman line and above.

     "Right now, you see a lot of attention on the launch business,” says Phillip Ingle, a Managing Director in Investment Banking.

     The horizon dawns large launch companies in opposition to  the traditional government providers.  One thing these companies have in common is the economic outlook of their chief executives.  Small launch side companies are focused on launching smaller, lower-cost satellites into orbit.  The global low-cost satellite market revenue is boosted.  The major factors are an increased demand for low-cost satellites, high requirement of small satellites for research missions, and rising investments in developing cheaper and miniature satellite systems.  The currently competitive companies include: Thales Alenia Space, Sierra Nevada Corporation, Planet Labs, Inc., GomSpace, Blue Canyon Technologies, Dauria Aerospace, Spire Global, Inc., AxelSpace Corporation, Swarm Technologies, Inc, GeoOptics, Inc., and others unmentioned.

     Small launch companies are profitable.  There is increasing demand to launch smallsats.  It is estimated that a single satellite launch can range in cost from a low of about $50 million to a high of about $400 million.  The launch business is implanting itself into the the foundation of the space ecosystem.  CubeSat is very common.  It's used in interplanetary missions for space research.  CubeSat enhances communication and data collection. In contrast to larger satellites, these low-cost satellites require cheaper and smaller launching vehicles. In addition, being cost-effective, it is economical to launch these satellites in multiples.  Large satellites are much less cost efficient. These low-cost satellites have low launch risks and faster turnover rate.  They offer a cost-effective method for earth observation through remote sensing.  They deliver high temporal and spatial resolution imageries for monitoring and studying various processes. Some of the observed processes include: vegetation, land cover, oceanography, and inland water. CubeSat also offers in-depth analysis of factors such as water scarcity, poverty, climate change, and urbanization among others. Low-cost satellites such as microsatellites or nanosatellites are also used in military applications such as navigation, military communications, and intelligence gatherings.

     Launch companies are trying to lower the cost of launch.  The purpose is to launch cheaper, easier, and faster.  The ecosystem is satellites to services.  Space marketplace.  The launch companies depend on satellite manufacturers.  The manufacturers rely on services companies.  Services companies box in satellite broadband, low-earth-orbit imaging and weather monitoring.  

This is a positive feedback loop.  (morganstanley.com)

     Production, distribution, trade, and consumption of goods and services are the economy.  That definition will soon include areas in zero gravity.  Outer space will evolve into a social domain.  The new economy will spawn from the first space colonies.  Reaching that point will force business law above the Karma line, and beyond.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Second Messengers in Cell Signaling

     Second messengers (SMs) are intracellular substances that mediate cell activity by relaying signals from an extracellular molecule bound to a cell's surface.  A second messenger can be a neurotransmitter or a hormone.  The second messenger travels from receptor to effector.  (National Center for Biotechnology Information)

     SMs are abundant. SMs are present in low concentrations in a cell at rest.  Once the resting cell is stimulated, SMs are rapidly produced.  SMs are released as fast as they're made. Microseconds.  SMs specifically bind to target proteins.  Cellular signaling spreads downstream.

     SMs four major classes: 
  1. Cyclic nucleotides that signal within the cytosol.  cAMP/PKA. cGMP/PKG.  PDE regulated.
  2. Lipid messengers that signal within cell membranes.  IP3, and DAG.  PIP3, and AKt signaling.  Sphingolipid controlled apoptosis. Lysolipids, prostaglandins, and other eicosanoids.
  3. Ions that signal within and between cells.   Intracellular calcium levels are controlled by an assortment of channels, pumps, transporters, buffers, and effector moieties.  Magnesium.
  4. Gasesous free radicals that signal throughout the cell and neighboring cells.

     SMs bind to specific proteins, alter the proteins,  and relay signals.  These are homeostatically controlled mechanisms. (Brittanica)

     Enzymes catalytic activity is modified by the direct binding of the SMs. Amplification takes place simultaneously with the activation of multiple target enzymes by a single second messenger molecule.

     Let's glance at caffeine. (IUPAC)     Caffeine enhances the action of cAMP by inhibiting the enzyme phosphodiesterase.  Phosphodiesterase functions to degrade cAMP.  The enhancement of cAMP activity contributes to the action of caffeine.  Prolonged excitement.

     Second messengers (SMs) are centralized in the ability to respond rapidly to information.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Super Casual Dress Code in the Workplace

     Super casual dress code in the workplace, is also known as business casual.

     Business casual in the workplace is defined as less formal than traditional office clothing but professional enough for an office community. Stir up traditional business style and a more relaxed style.

     "Business attire is the clothing you wear in professional settings. You might decide how to dress depending on the type of office you work in, for an interview or for a meeting. There are varying levels of business attire ranging from “casual” to “business formal.” Based on the setting, you can decide which kind of business attire is appropriate. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of business attire, examples of clothing types and the situations they’re appropriate for."

     "Smart casual is another form of casual business attire with a stylish twist. You might include more trendy pieces of clothing if dressing in smart casual. This type of business attire is appropriate for more flexible offices including informal settings. You might also choose to wear smart casual in an interview for a more informal office. This way, you fit in with their informal dress code while still maintaining a clean, professional look that communicates that you care about your appearance." Indeed.com

     Men buffer the super macho mode.  Women tone the sublime erotica office wear.  Going to work is the special occasion.  Primp properly.  It's okay to show your confidence.

     Super macho- powerful sense of masculinity.
     Sublime erotica- strongly marked purity of arousal.

     Men and women with a taste for fashion completely dig it.  Men and business mix it up with: button-downs, dress pants, and nice shoes.  Women and business turn it up with dresses, button-downs, slacks, and dress shoes.  Mix and match it up.  Make it your own.

     Add in COVID-19 face masks, and you're ready for work.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

The Delta Variant: B.1.617 AY.1, and .2; SARS-CoV-2

     Society has mistakenly created a gourge between its citizens.


     We, as global citizens, should clearly discern COVID-19 from the regular flu virus.  It's difficult to navigate the web, without probing the facts accumulated on COVID-19.

     A virus is defined as, "a tiny organism that multiplies within cells and causes disease such as chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis and hepatitis. Viruses are not affected by antibiotics, the drugs used to kill bacteria(www.cdc.gov)."

     A virus isn't alive.  Multiplication is the main objective of a virus.  A virus will spread, through consistent replication.  Cellular invasion.  The virus proceeds to spread its deadly message.  Copies are handed out, and passed on, so to speak.  Some copies have small variations.  Errors.  The errors that occur in the copies are called mutations.  Viruses evolve via mutation.  A variant is a mutation in a virus that occurs over time.  New variants of a virus are scientifically expected to arise. These variants are aiming towards increased fitness, the ability to efficiently survive, within a population.  

     "In 2019, a new coronavirus was identified as the cause of a disease outbreak that originated in China.  The virus, COVID-19, is now known as the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).  In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the virus a pandemic (www.mayoclinic.org)."

     The SARS-CoV-2 virus causes COVID-19.  SARS-CoV-2  is mutating, evolving, and becoming stronger.  The entire world is watching.  These variants are under observation.  All of these variants contain mutations on spike proteins.

     A spike protein is defined, "as a glycoprotein that protrudes from the envelope of a virus(www.merriam-webster.com)"  A spike protein facilitates entry of the viriom into a host cell.  It functions by binding to a receptor on the surface of a host cell.  This is followed by the compounding of the viral and host cell membranes.

     The spike protein occurrence is a missense mutation.  A missense mutation is a mistake in the DNA which results in the wrong amino acid being incorporated into a protein. A single DNA sequence change results in a different amino acid codon.  The ribosome recognizes it. The function of the protein changes.  This is evolution.  Change may occur positively or negatively.  A positive change improves the function of the protein. Functional development gives the organism a competitive advantage over its competition.  Its presence is maintained in the population, as a result.

     A virus surface spike protein mediates SARS-CoV-2 entry into cells. To fulfill its function, the SARS-CoV-2 spike binds to its receptor human ACE2 through its receptor-binding domain and is proteolytically activated by human proteases.
(July 2021.  World Health Organization, WHO)

     How are these variants' names established?  There are hundreds of thousands of variants, but only some make the team.

     The established nomenclature systems for naming and tracking SARS-CoV-2 genetic lineages are headed by GISAID, Nexstrain, and Pango.  These are systems deemed necessary by scientists, and in scientific research. These names are for variants of interest (VOI), and variants of concern (VOC). This expert group, convened by WHO, has recommended using letters of the Greek Alphabet, i.e., Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta which will be easier and more practical in discussions by non-scientific audiences.

     Notable variants in the United States:

B.1.1.7 (Alpha): variant of SARS-CoV-2, detected in the United States, December 2020. Initially detected in the United Kingdom on September 2020; [GRY; +S:484K, +S:452R]

B.1.351, .2, and .3 (Beta): variant of SARS-CoV-2, detected in the United States, December 2020. Initially detected in South Africa, May 2020; [GH/501Y.V2; 20H (V2); 

P.1, .1, and .2 (Gamma): variant of SARS-CoV-2, detected in the United States, January 2021. Initially detected in Brazil, November 2020; [GR/501Y.V3; 20J (V3); +S:681H]

B.1.617, AY.1, and .2 (Delta): variant of SARS-CoV-2, detected in the United States, May 2021.  Initially identified in India, October 2020; [G/478K.V1; 21A; +S:417N]

     The GISAID Initiative promotes the rapid sharing of data from all influenza viruses and the coronavirus causing COVID-19. This includes genetic sequence and related clinical and epidemiological data associated with human viruses, and geographical as well as species-specific data associated with avian and other animal viruses, to help researchers understand how viruses evolve and spread during epidemics and pandemics.

     The Nexstrain project harnesses the scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome data. They provide a continually-updated view of publicly available data alongside powerful analytic and visualization tools for use by the community.

     Pango nomenclature is being used by researchers and public health agencies worldwide to track the transmission and spread of SARS-CoV-2, including variants of concern

     Protect yourself from virus variants:

-Get a vaccine. There are mRNA and DNA vector shots available.

-Get a mask with the proper covering.

-Social distant by 6 ft.

-Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces.

-Wash your hands with soap and water.

-Use hand sanitizer.

     In order for the current vaccines to become illegitimate the efficacy rates would have to drop below 80%. At that point a government funded booster shot will go into production.  

Saturday, June 19, 2021


     Currently, there is a continuing rise in the U.S. general price level.  This increase is attributed to the increase in the volume of money and credit relative to available goods and services.  Inflation is upon us.  Money value decreases while prices increase.  COVID-19 is the obvious cause of this effect. The U.S. GDP is at the epicenter.

     We, as citizens of the U.S., have turned our attention towards how much we're  paying for the totality of the things we consume.  The recent intensification and inflation may be on a short time schedule.  Some consumers are cautiously witnessing the slowdown in the U.S. GDP.  Others have been awaiting its arrival.  Controlled inflation is a healthy byproduct of a growing economy.  It had been stagnant for so long that economists were furrowing their eyebrows.

     "As with the April report, the May CPI inflation reporte from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) highlighted that prices rose across the board by a lot.  Overall, prices in May climbed 5% year over year, the biggest such gain in the headline CPI data since August 2008. Even when you strip out volatile food and energy prices—so-called core CPI inflation—prices rose by 3.8% year over year in May (forbes.com)."

     Investors need to know that inflation will remain enlarged.  The stock market will make a noticeable shift.  A selloff, approximately 15%, will take place. Investors, get on your toes.

     "Persistently high inflation will move the 10-year Treasury yield to 2% and get the Federal Reserve to start tapering its stimulus by the end of the year. Both will rattle the stock market(MarketWatch.com)."

     As the bull market proceeds, stocks will go higher.  Companies are positioning for strong economic growth. Earnings are higher, valuations are lower, and investors feel more comfortable.

     Famous Thoughts on Inflation: 

     "Inflation is taxation without legislation."
          -Milton Friedman,
1912 through 2006, (A Theory of the Consumption Function)- author, famous for his point of view, Keynesian view.  Individuals and households adjust their expenditures on consumption to reflect their current income. He stated, people’s annual consumption is a function of their permanent income.

     "The lesson is clear. Inflation devalues us all."
          -Margaret Thatcher
1925 through 2013, accelerated the evolution of the British economy from statism to liberalism.

     '...the deficit levels...are unsustainable. At a certain point, other countries stop buying debt, we have to raise interest rates, and it will create economic inflation."
          -Barack Obama
1961, U.S. President 2009 through 2017, utilized new policies, diplomacy, and rhetoric in order to reverse a sharp decline in world opinion toward this country.

     In my opinion, our Labor Force should experience a severe wage increase.  Our struggling workers deserve to be able to pay bills and live a comfortable life.

     Possible results with wage increases could result in a market pointed towards inflation.  Wage push inflation might result.  Wage push inflation is an overall rise in the cost of goods that results from a rise in wages (investopedia.com).  

     We're already going through inflation.  We might as well pay a higher wage to everyone.

     To maintain corporate profits after an increase in wages, employers must increase the prices they charge for the goods and services they provide.  The federal and state governments have the power to increase the minimum wage.  With a higher money supply, consumers have more spending power, so the demand for goods increases. An increase in demand for goods then increases the price of goods in the broader market.

     Inflation can be stopped.  Governments can use wage and price controls to fight inflation, but that can cause recession and job losses. Governments can also employ a contractionary monetary policy to fight inflation by reducing the money supply within an economy via decreased bond prices and increased interest rates.

     The government is already acting.  

     "Amid a booming economy and rising inflation, the Federal Reserve this week could signal that it's likely to move up the timetable for withdrawing the extraordinary stimulus measures it has enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic (USAtoday.com)."

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Impotence. What causes the condition?

     The state of being impotent (Merriam-Webster).  You could have a weak libido.  Sexual uselessness isn't considerable.  Erectile-dysfunction is the result of many causes.

     Are you suffering from depression?  The brain is very important. Concentration is the key. Depression kicks desire and rolls into erectile dysfunction. Depression treatment drugs suppress your sex drive.  Forget about an erection.

     How much alcohol have you consumed?  A few drinks, to get in the mood, are permissive.  Extreme inebriation will fight off an erection. Aim towards three, or fewer drinks per day (CDC.gov).

     Medications aren't negotiable.  Examine the contents of your medicine cabinet. Label typed side-effects might specifically stipulate erectile-dysfunction, (ED).  Blood pressure drugs, pain medications, and antidepressants tussle with the tool . Do not cease taking medicines without consulting with your doctor.  Street drugs like amphetamines, cocaine, and marijuana can cause sexual problems in men, too.  Pay attention.

     Are you stressed?  Mood swings aren't helpful. Stress is a penis pull in the opposite direction. Think of making lifestyle changes.  Lean towards well-being and relaxation.  Seek out exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.

     Anger is rough.  Anger can make the blood rush to your face.  An erection is a blood rush to the penis.  Rage is not romance.  Your body experiences the fight or flight response during an anger episode.  An erection is complicated at that moment.  Getting strung up will definitely pose a risk to getting impotency.

     Are you and anxiety best buds?  Worrying that you won't perform will lead you into error engrossment. Anxiety spills into everything. You will fear intimacy.  It's vicious.  Take it one step at a time.

     Middle-aged mass spread can become unsexy.  Stay in shape.  Extra pounds can impact your sexual performance.  Maintain your self-esteem. Obese men have lower levels of the male hormone testosterone.  An erection is the result of sexual desire. Obesity is linked to high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, which can reduce blood flow to the penis. (mayoclinic.org)

     Work on your self image.  Stop at the mirror.  Whisper something nice to yourself.  When you don't like what you see in the mirror, you start to reason that your mate agrees with you.  A negative self-image can point towards penis performance anxiety.  Sex is too much work.

     Why is your libido low?  Low libido and erectile dysfunction have the same factors that stifle an erection.  Those factors also foul your fascination with sex.

     A toast to your health.  Health conditions affect the nerves, muscles, or blood flow that is needed to have an erection. Diabetes, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, spinal cord injuries, and multiple sclerosis drive erectile dysfunction. Prostate or bladder problem surgery can also affect the nerves and blood vessels that control an erection.  The entire process to form an erection is scientifically sensitive.

     Erection enhancement solutions are everywhere (WebMD.com).  Talk to your doctor about your erection problems. Your doctor can pinpoint the problem source.  Apply lifestyle interventions.   Quit smoking.   Lose weight.  Research some ED drugs.  Try out some hormone treatments. Suction devices are useful. Try counseling, also.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Mask Mandate Removed

     "Effective next Wednesday [March 10, 2021] all businesses of any type may open to 100% capacity. Additionally, this order ends the statewide mask mandate in Texas. Businesses may still limit capacity or implement additional safety protocols at their own discretion. (https://gov.texas.gov/)

     Covid-19, in the midst of its brutal path of death, implemented the mask mandate.  We were all forced to wear masks in order to enter public places. Not everyone agreed with wearing masks.  Some individuals agreed wholeheartedly, while others felt their rights were being violated.  It became another article of clothing to wear.  This article gave us some defense against the pandemic.

     The pandemic is still with us.  Begrudgedly, most people will still wear a mask.  Now, we have a choice.

     The removal of the mandate symbolizes our fight against the virus.  We're attempting to overcome.  Close to 3 million people have perished from Covid-19.  Death numbers and case numbers are decreasing.  As quoted, restrictions are being lifted.  

     Business should begin to open up at full capacity. Life will move forward. 

     Covid-19 statistics are all on a negative incline.  The concern is aimed at the individuals below the income line that marks losses in direct relation to the pandemic.

     "Will the coronavirus, which has already killed more than 2 million people worldwide, eventually be eliminated by a global vaccination campaign, like smallpox? Will dangerous new variants evade vaccines? Or will the virus stick around for a long time, transforming into a mild annoyance, like the common cold?" (jems.com/)

     Experts argue that Covid-19 will wonder around for years.  Most scientists agree on the inevitable priority of mass vaccination.  Vaccinate everyone as quickly as possible. Vaccines aren't a permanent cure.  The probability, that the vaccines will provide lifelong immunity to the world, is small.  Alternatively, as we approach herd immunity, the pathogen will reduce to a mild illness. It will resemble the common cold. Previously Covid-19 exposed adults aren't reacquiring bad symptoms.  They have already been exposed. Scientific hypotheses are comparing other coronaviruses.  How have those viruses changed over time?  SAR-CoV-2 continues to evolve, but not quickly or radically.  This observation hasn't reached the two year mark, yet. Scientists need data to show behavior over five to ten years, at least.  

     Approximately 12 billion Covid-19 vaccine shots are being made in 2021.  High GDP countries have bought about 9 billion. Plenty of nations have options to buy more. Vaccines aren't all equally effective.  The new strains are providing obstacles.  The vaccination shots provide enough protection to slow or stop the virus from spreading. COVID-19 patients who survive can be incapacitated for months.  The quantification of this damage is important. How many patients are rendered too weak for manual labor?  How many patients are rendered mentally exhausted and unable to concentrate?  The global population will become stronger with a greater understanding of Covid-19.

     A new article of clothing to buy.  A protective mask to cover the nose and mouth.  Some cover the nose, mouth and eyes.  After all of the mandates are lifted will peer pressure make everyone completely do away with masks?  They're uncomfortable. Speech is difficult.  It covers half of your face.  It has been a year, though.  Are people attached to them, already? Masks could eventually get left in the accessories sections of clothing stores, and become useless. Masks are cheap to make, but the prices are easily reaching $5 - $20 each. Masks help with allergies and other airborne issues. Wearing masks might become a commonplace, similar to wearing watches.

     The MASK MANDATE has reached a milestone.  It will become a personal preference. Stop the pandemic. Protect yourself, and others. Wearing masks has been opinionated as depressing.  It's controversial. It is ultimately a responsibility.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Infectious Agents

     At present, our world is cautiously traversing human health.  Daytime and nighttime relief medications were easily available and used everywhere, prior to the pandemic.  What has changed?  Scientists, Doctors, and a variety of other analysts are modifying existing medical data in order to placate COVID-19.  We don face masks and utilize social distancing.  Is this adequate?  Stopping plights before they establish themselves is a great means of disentanglement. Mitigate infectiuos agents.

     Infectious agents are like soldiers in a war.  Biological war.  Germ warfare.  This sort of war uses infectious agents with the intent to kill humans, animals and plants.  These soldiers invade, take control and destroy. 

     There are six major types of infectious agents.  They are bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, prions and helminths ( the-scientist.com ). These agents are all in shape.  Bacteria and protozoans are microscopic, single-celled organisms.  Viruses are smaller.  Fungi grow like plants.  Helminths look like worms. All infectious agents spawn an infectious disease.

     The most popular of the group is the virus.  Viruses are a relatively large group of submicroscopic, infectious agents. Viruses are nonliving.  They are extremely complex molecules that typically contain a protein coat surrounding an RNA, or DNA core of genetic material.  This sort of infectious agent is capable of growth and multiplication, only via living cells.  These living cells are called hosts.  The virus takes over the host cell. The virus multiplies.

     There are some different types of viruses.  Viruses can be classified based upon their phenotypic characteristics, core content, chemical composition, capsid structure, size, shape, genome structure and modes of replication.

  • DNA VIRUS-  
There are two different types of DNA virus:
Single-stranded (ss) DNA virus
Double-stranded (ds) DNA virus

Double-stranded (ds) RNA virus
Single-stranded (ss) RNA virus

Complex virus
Radial symmetry virus
Cubical or Icosahedral symmetry shaped virus
Rod shaped
Spiral shaped
Helical symmetry virus

Replication within the cytoplasm of the host cell
Replication within the nucleus and the cytoplasm of the host cell
Replication within the nucleus of the host cell
Replication of the virus through the double-stranded DNA intermediate
Replication of the virus through a single-stranded RNA intermediate

Animal virus
Plant virus
Insect virus

Airborne infection
Fecal oral route
Sexually transmitted disease

     Infectiuos agents, viruses, are complicated assemblies of molecules.  A virus includes proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates.  When viruses are on their own , they can not do anything until  they enter a living cell. Without cells, viruses would not be able to multiply.

     The protein capsid provides a major criterion for the classification of viruses. The capsid surrounds the virus and is composed of a finite number of protein subunits known as capsomeres.  Capsomeres are found in viruses, and surround nucleic acids.

     Viruses aren't living and can only multiply when inside of a living host cell.  This means that when the host cell dies, the virus has limited amount of time until it dies, too. There are many factors as to how long the virus is still infectious after the host dies.

     The virus is in the news, right now.  COVID-19 vaccines are in huge supply.  Our society hasn't reached herd immunity, yet.  It is a potent infectious agent.  They're are other types of infectious agents.  We shall offensively defend our world against them all.