Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Business financial analysis is essential.

     Financial analysis, planning, and forecasting are connected.  These are processes that businesses use to assess their financial health, set goals, and predict future performance. 

     All analysts aren't created equally. Who can perform a complete financial analysis? A Financial Analyst can. This is a broad role that encompasses a variety of financial analysis tasks, including reviewing financial statements, creating financial models, and conducting research.  A Corporate Finance Analyst can.  These analysts focus on the financial health and performance of the entire company. They may be involved in tasks such as financial planning, capital budgeting, and mergers and acquisitions. An Investment Analyst can.   These analysts research and evaluate potential investments for individuals or institutions. They may specialize in a particular industry or asset class.

     Financial analysis involves examining past financial data to identify trends, assess profitability, and evaluate the company's financial position.   They also evaluate a business's financial health and performance by examining its financial statements [Investopedia: Financial Analysis].  Financial analysis involves reviewing a company's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement to assess its profitability, liquidity, solvency, and overall financial position [Investopedia: Financial Statement Analysis]. 

     By identifying trends in these financial metrics, analysts can gain valuable insights into a company's past performance and its potential for future success.
     Financial planning uses the insights gained from analysis to set financial goals and develop strategies to achieve them.   The financial analysis is the platform. 

     After analyzing financial data to assess a company's financial health, financial planning involves setting financial goals and implementing strategies to achieve those goals [Investopedia: Financial Planning]. The financial planning process also helps businesses allocate resources effectively, manage risks, and achieve long-term financial stability.

     Financial forecasting utilizes historical financial data and informed assumptions about future events to predict a company's future financial performance [Corporate Finance Institute: Financial Forecasting]. 

     The financial forecasting process is crucial for businesses as it allows them to plan for upcoming financial needs, identify potential risks, and make informed investment decisions.  

     Financial analysis involves calculating ratios to estimate a company’s performance and trends. There are many terms to refer to analysis techniques.   As an example,  financial statement analysis scans over liquidity ratios, current ratios, quick ratios, profitability ratios, opearating profitibilty ratios, net profit ratios, return on equiry (ROE), return on capital employed analysis, turnover ratios, inventory turnover ratio, receivable ratios, payable ratios, solvency ratios, debt equity ratios, and financial leverage. 

          Formula Examples:

     Current ratio = current assets ÷ current liabilities.

     Quick ratio formula = current assets - inventory

     Operating Profit Ratio Formula = Earnings Before Interest & Tax/Sales

     Inventory Turnover Ratio Formula = Cost of Goods Sold ÷ Average Inventory

     Debt Equity Ratio Formula = Total Debt ÷ Total Equity

     It is important to understand that financial ratios are one of the most important metrics used by finance professionals in analyzing the financial performance of companies. Plus, it helps in understanding the relative performance of two or more companies in the same industry.

     Trend analysis is a type of financial analysis that involves comparing a company’s financial data over multiple periods to identify trends and patterns. For example, this type of analysis identifies whether the company’s financial performance is improving or declining over time.

     Cash flow analysis is a type of financial analysis that involves examining a company’s cash inflows and outflows to assess its ability to generate cash and meet its financial obligations. This analysis identifies whether the company generates sufficient cash to fund its operations and investments.

     Sensitivity analysis is a type of financial analysis that involves examining the impact of changes in key assumptions on a company’s financial performance. This type of analysis helps to identify the most important drivers of the company’s financial performance and the potential risks and opportunities associated with these drivers.

     Financial analysis, planning, and forecasting are tools that work together to steer a company towards a secure and prosperous future. Businesses sequencially make informed decisions about resource allocation and strategic planning (financial planning).  These processes are essential.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Urban Air Pollution combat on the skin.

     Its combat on the skin, because it is fighting to control territorial rights to your once baby smooth skin.  Some of us are veterans in the fight.  You need weapons; defense.  This battle is renewed by urban air pollution.

     Urban air pollution is caused by a variety of human activities.  Transportation leads the pack.  Cars, trucks, buses, and other vehicles release harmful emissions like nitrogen oxides and particulate matter into the air.  Industrial facilities aren't as abundant, yet likewise, dangerously pollutant.  Factories and power plants release pollutants like sulfur oxides and volatile organic compounds.  Domestic activities rank at the top, too.  Heating homes with fossil fuels and using certain cleaning products can also contribute to air pollution.  These pollutants cause respiratory problems, heart disease, and other health issues.

     Urban air pollution combat on the skin defense.  Load up. Here are three essential skin health products.  

     Cooling gel is your your camouflage from the elements.  This topical product provides a cooling sensation to the skin. It relieves pain and inflammation from sunburns, insect bites, and muscle soreness.

     Next up is Vitamin E.  It is an antioxidant that can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E is often found in skincare products as a moisturizer and scar protectant. Vitamin E is typically applied directly to the skin. 

     Last, but not least is water. H2O.  Water is essential for hydration and overall health.  It plumps the skin, and provides elasticity.  Water is best consumed orally for overall hydration and can be used topically as a hydrating mist.

     In short, cooling gel is for pain relief, vitamin E is for skin health, and water is for overall hydration.

         "Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans."  (Jacques Yves Cousteau)

     Exposure to urban air pollution can have a number of negative effects on the skin.  Premature aging.  Pollutants can damage the skin's collagen and elastin.  They're both essential for maintaining skin structure and elasticity. Without them, you'll soon see wrinkles, fine lines, and a loss of firmness.  

     Dehydration.  Air pollution can disrupt the skin's barrier function, making it more difficult for the skin to retain moisture. This can lead to dehydration, dryness, and a flaky appearance.  

     Increased sensitivity.  Pollution is a constant barrage of irritation.  The skin becomes sensitive to other irritants, such as harsh soaps and cosmetics. Irritation leads to redness, itching, and burning.  Existing skin conditions are exacerbated.  Air pollution makes acne twice as bad, eczema flourishes, and psoriasis pumps up.

          "Wipe out pollution before it wipes you out."  (Unknown)

     Hyperpigmentation.  There is a pattern.  Pollution triggers the production of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. Melanin overproduction leads to dark spots and uneven skin tone.

     Some pollutants are known carcinogens.  Toxic pollution in the urban environment has increased the risk of skin cancer. 

     Don't trek out alone, and get lost without protection.  Check the specifications.  Grab a couple of popular cooling gel products.  Australian Gold Aloe Freeze Cooling Spray Gel is an aloe vera-based gel that will sooth sunburns and irritated skin. It  contains vitamin E and green tea extract to nourish and rejuvenate the skin.  

     Conceal carry E.  Pick up some vitamin E skin products.  Fruit of the Earth Vitamin E Skin Care Cream.  This is a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic cream that contains vitamin E, aloe vera, and other nourishing ingredients. It's a good option for dry skin, as it hydrates and softens the skin. It’s also very affordable.  Derma E Skin Oil Vitamin E.  This is a concentrated oil that contains a high dose of vitamin E. It moisturizes dry skin, reduces wrinkles, and irritation disappears. It’s concentrated, so little goes a long way.  Ultimately, the best vitamin E skin product for you will depend on your individual skin type and needs. If you have dry skin, you may want to choose a thicker cream or oil. If you have oily skin, you may prefer a lighter lotion or gel. And if you have sensitive skin, be sure to choose a product that is fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.

     Don't postup without your canteen.  Evian.  Sourced from natural springs in the French Alps, Evian is known for its crisp, clean taste and moderate mineral content.  It comes in various sizes and is readily available.  Lifewater.  This brand is known for its electrolyte-enhanced purified water.  Electrolytes are minerals that help with hydration and muscle function. Lifewater has a slightly sweet taste and comes in a variety of fruit-flavored options.  Essentia.  This brand promotes its high pH level, which some claim can neutralize acidity and improve overall health. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims. Essentia is purified water with added electrolytes for taste.

     Yes, there is a line dividing urban air pollution as opposed to rural air pollution.  Experimentally proven, urban air pollution is more harmful than rural air pollution. This is because urban areas have higher concentrations of pollutants like traffic fumes and industrial emissions.  Pollutant varieties.  Urban air pollution is dominated by larger particles from vehicle exhaust and industrial facilities. Rural air pollution often contains smaller particles from agricultural burning and natural dust storms.

          "The Chinese have figured out that they have a giant environmental problem. Folks in Beijing, some days, literally can't breathe. Over a million Chinese die prematurely every year because of air pollution."  (46th President of the United States of America, Joseph Biden)

     Rising urbanization, industrialization, and anthropogenic activities are the prominent causes of air pollution in cities globally. Its combat on the skin, because it is territorial rights to your healthy skin.  Win the fight.  Use defense.  Urban air pollution isn't going away.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Auto Insurance Increase 2024

     The trickle down theory can touch anything and everything. 

     In this blog entry, we're looking at the average monthly price of car insurance. Some individuals can remember being able to drive our U.S. roads and highways without including a hefty monetary sum for car insurance. Now, the bill is encroaching on "OMG, is this right?"

     Break out with your A.I., and conduct some research, side by side compare companies, and find bargains.  

     U.S. inflation kicked the auto industry in the rump. Hard.

     Reuters.com quote:
          "Consumer prices in December overall rose 3.4% from a year earlier, the Labor Department said on Thursday in the release of the monthly Consumer Price Index, more than the 3.2% economists polled by Reuters had expected and up from 3.1% in November."

     This rise in cost has set a new insurance precedent over the last half a century.  The trend has no predicted end, either.

     The BANKRATE True Cost of Auto Insurance Report determined the annual cost for full coverage car insurance in 2024 to be $2,543, compared to $2,014 in 2023 and $1,771 in 2022. Paying your annual premium can save you money as opposed to paying monthly premiums. An example of the increase, someone earning a median household income of $74,580 will pay  3.41% of their entire income on auto insurance. 

     The Three Largest Auto insurance companies 2024:

          State farm: $46.7 billion
          Progressive: $38.9 billion
          Geico: $38.1 billion

     Recall, in the old days, when ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE was complementary.  Some companies happily gifted out RENTAL CAR costs, too.

     In the red, white, and blue, each state can vary their rates.  Obviously shop around.  All in all, though.  Expect an increase in policy rates that won't fade.

     Long story short, auto insurance companies have been hit in the pocket.  As their costs have increased, so have the consumers costs increased, too.

     Car insurance companies were getting mashed in the last decade. Collision costs boomed, liability costs zoomed, employees pay popped, medications prescription costs sizzled, body shops off the hizzle, pain compensation costs in court rocketed, and thus we can understand the overall policy premium increases looming in the remainder of 2024.

     Side by side rate comparison sites are great.  The detailed questions in rate comparison questions will take time, though.  Have you had any recent tickets? Are you currently insured? How many drivers are there? And, etc.

     "Copy, and paste. Compare. Rate. Discover. Learn. You will. Yes, use the low policy rate force.  Let premiums guide you, you must." A.I. Yoda

     In reality, 2024, there is simply auto insurance rate increase.

     Government agency issues are taking on unfair and deceptive price practices. State by state issues can make policy prices fluctuate. Insurance company representatives state that, insurers raise costs in response to your risk as a driver, such as where you live and whether you have a teenager on the policy. They also raise rates based on risks beyond your control. Inflation for example.

     Bankrate analyst Shannon Martin shares with Kiplinger
          "Between 2020 and 2024, inflation increased the cost of vehicle parts and labor, car crash fatalities increased by over 10% and we saw a significant rise in extreme weather and vehicle theft claims. All these factors contribute to the high rates we’re seeing today."

     Life events increase your rates.  Adding teen drivers, DUI convictions, 
credit score changes,  at fault accidents, involved accidents, speeding tickets,  and lapse in auto insurance coverages can boost costs significantly. 

     Environmental influence costs-
          Cities with high costs:

          Detroit, Michigan 
          Hutchins, Texas
          Venice,  California 
          New York City, New York
          Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 

      Insurance pointers:

          Shop around.
          Raise your deductible.
          Bundle policies.
          Boost your credit score.
          Enroll in defensive driving. 
          Pay annually versus monthly.

     Inflation in the United States is decreasing, but this hasn't turned the tides on auto insurance rates.  We can, independently, drive better.  Maybe, future rates will follow suit.

     Good luck on the roads, stay cool, drive safely in 2024.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

A.I. based noninvasive THOUGHTS to TEXT technology.

     The development of an AI-based decoder that translates brain activity into coherent text, plots a groundbreaking advancement in non-invasive mind-reading technology. This innovation enables the reconstruction of speech with remarkable precision, leveraging fMRI scans to decode thoughts without the need for surgical implants.

     The technology uses large language model artificial intelligence. OpenAI’s ChatGPT pushed a new way in. These large language models are able to represent, in numbers, the semantic meaning of speech, allowing the scientists to look at which patterns of neuronal activity corresponded to strings of words with a particular meaning rather than attempting to read out activity word by word.

     “For a non-invasive method, this is a real leap forward compared to what’s been done before, which is typically single words or short sentences,” Research Dr. Huth said.  Sometimes the decoder got the wrong end of the stick and it struggled with certain aspects of language, including pronouns. “It doesn’t know if it’s first-person or third-person, male or female,” said Huth. “Why it’s bad at this we don’t know.”  The decoder was personalized. When the model was tested on another person the readout was unintelligible. It was also possible for participants on whom the decoder had been trained to thwart the system.  By thinking of animals or quietly imagining another story, the system was confused.

     Jerry Tang, a doctoral student at the University of Texas at Austin and a co-author, said: “We take very seriously the concerns that it could be used for bad purposes and have worked to avoid that. We want to make sure people only use these types of technologies when they want to and that it helps them.”  

     Professor Tim Behrens, a computational neuroscientist at the University of Oxford who was not involved in the work, described it as “technically extremely impressive” and said it opened up a host of experimental possibilities, including reading thoughts from someone dreaming or investigating how new ideas spring up from background brain activity. “These generative models are letting you see what’s in the brain at a new level,” he said. “It means you can really read out something deep from the fMRI.”  Prof Shinji Nishimoto, of Osaka University, who has pioneered the reconstruction of visual images from brain activity, described the paper as a “significant advance”. “The research showed that the brain represents continuous language information during perception and imagination in a compatible way,” he said. “This is a non-trivial finding and can be a basis for the development of brain-computerinterfaces.

     The system currently is not practical for use outside of the laboratory because of its reliance on the time need on an fMRI machine. Functional MRI, magnetic resonance imaging, relies on detecting small changes in the signals used to produce magnetic resonance images that are associated with neuronal activity in the brain. Functional magnetic resonance finds functions of the brain. Functions such as speech or memory have general locations in the brain, but the exact location can change slightly between individuals.  The scan is safe. The future tech would resemble a shower cap.  The MRI tech is in a capsuled machine that scans the individual, while laying down.

     Researchers think this work could transfer to other, more portable brain-imaging systems, such as functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS).  “fNIRS measures where there’s more or less blood flow in the brain at different points in time, which, it turns out, is exactly the same kind of signal that fMRI is measuring,” Huth said. “So, our exact kind of approach should translate to fNIRS,” although, he noted, the resolution with fNIRS would be lower.

    The technology could aid communication for people who are unable to speak due to illness or injury, including stroke or paralysis. It could also enable seamless communication between humans and machines, such as the operation of a bionic arm or robot.