Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Animal-human studies for diet drugs.

Drug helps monkeys lose weight, are humans next?
     Just because the monkeys are taking the drug doesn’t mean we should take the drug.   
   Sourced and proven by laboratory studies show results “…interesting sections
on comparative anatomy, perceptual capabilities, and social behavior of various species, and recognizes the wide range of physical abilities, interests, and needs of species within the order Primata. (La Revue veterinaire canadienne, Kay G. Mehren, 1997 July)
      There are various anatomical comparisons between mammals.  Eating vegetables is one example.  Some invertebrates are able to digest vegetables via the cellulose-digesting enzyme cellulase.  The cellulose enzyme is present in their intestinal tracts.  Comparatively, invertebrates do not have this is enzyme; neither monkeys nor humans.  Yet, we still eat vegetables, which we rely heavily upon as major energy sources.
     More lab tests may prove that the drug could work on humans as they did on the lab monkeys.
  “If the drug were to prove successful in humans it would never be permanent solution, experts say. It would be a kick-start used along with future diet and exercise (By Robert Bazell Chief science and health correspondent, NBC news)
     Truthful and interesting, this is.  Think about this.  The drug would just be a kick-start system.  Nowadays, only off-road motorcycles and ATVs use kick start systems.  Even then, they are an alternative to electric starters.  Electric starters are too heavy for those activities.
     Kick start systems start an internal combustion engine.  An internal combustion engine uses the combustion of fossil fuels with O2 inside a combustion chamber.  High pressures create a force applied to the pistons, turbine blades, etc.  The force then moves the component over a distance, thus transforming the chemical energy into mechanical energy.
     If your body always needs a kick start you aren’t utilizing the best way towards wellness.  A healthy body needs continuous combustion like powerful engines including gas turbines, jet engines, and most rocket engines.
     So, this news isn’t new because there are millions of diet drugs already available.  If you really need a kick-start weight-loss drug, you should know that mentally you will have to be willing to continue with the weight loss process on your own.
The battle is known as: GET UP AND WORKOUT.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011



(Apple Gains Ground in U.S. Ruling on Google Android System) - Businessweek

apple vs google“Apple Inc. won a patent-infringement ruling that bans some HTC Corp. smartphones from the U.S. starting next year, bolstering efforts to prove that devices running Google Inc.'s Android operating system copy the iPhone” (Bloomberg, Dec. 20).

     As determined by the U.S. International Trade Commission, HTC ripped an Apple patent. Their data-detection technology was copied. The Trade Commission is ordering new phone imports to abide by the ruling. Refurbished phones will fulfill warranties, and or insurance contracts. This will continue to Dec. 19, 2013.

     Even if you didn’t want to buy an iPhone, you still are using the same technology.  Maybe you just wanted a cheaper version of an iPhone.  Either way, Android is caught in the act.  Not very smart.

     Google has to step up, now.  How many American fashionistas are familiar with the tag ‘MADE IN TAIWAN’?  With no exaggeration, there is usually some S-tech involved; some copying of some sort.  Fake-etc.  What did Google expect?  Is HTC, in Taiwan, backsliding?

     Now, a variety of telecommunications experts are eyeing Android tech in a different light.  “The diamonds were really shiny in the store?!”

     The information wouldn’t be as important if companies weren’t requiring a 2 year agreement which equals the amount of a new, high quality laptop.  This copyright infringement could really hurt Google and their mobile sales.  The consumer is the real judge.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Keeping a strong body healthy

The proper function of proteins in the body is very essential to health.  The proteins also have to have a functional structure and cellular integrity.  Getting old keeps humans from being young and healthy, obviously.  Our body ages because various organisms are always subject to attack causing diseases and viruses.  Disease causing agents are termed pathogens.  Pathogens will penetrate the protective layer, the skin, and then move on towards the first line of defense.  Mucous membranes are the first line of defense.  Once the pathogens break through the mucous membranes they are labeled foreign invaders and will subsequently be destroyed by the immune system.
The human body is a model for a city that is always at war.  If the city isn’t reconstructed it will crumble.  What types of defense will a city utilize in the midst of a war?
The human body has two types of immunity:
                -Cellular immunity and humoral immunity
Coming straight out of the bone marrow we introduce antibody.  Antibodies are proteins that are mediated against viral attacks.  “The immune response is triggered by the presence of a foreign macromolecule, often a protein or carbohydrate, known as an antigen” (Voet, Fundamentals of Biochemistry 2006).  B cells produce antibodies, which as we recently said, mature in the bone marrow.  Pay attention to B cells.  B cells flaunt immunoglobulins on their exteriors.  Immunoglobulins snatch foreign invaders, and lock them in the B cells where they are broken and degraded.  The broken antigen is then placed on display.  The circulating antibodies become antigen specific.  The antibodies fluidly mark antigens for destruction.  Some B cells are short-lived.  They survive for a couple of days.  Some B cells live from many weeks to many years.  These potent B cells are called memory B cells. 
Memory B cells mount a secondary response.  This response is more accurate and much faster than the primary response mentioned earlier.
The immunoglobulins themselves also create a diverse group of proteins.  The differences between the sub classes of immunoglobulins are: different amounts of heavy chains, and various subunits.  “These subunits associate by disulfide bonds and noncovalent interactions to form a roughly Y-shaped symmetric molecule with the formula (LH)2” (Voet, Fundamentals of Biochemistry 2006).  We have: IgM, IgA, IgG, IgE, and IgD.  We can use an example in accordance with Rheumatology International journal (Novel mutations of MVK gene in Japanese family members affected with hyperimmunoglobulinemia D and periodic fever syndrome, Mizuno 2011).  IgD expression begins when the B cell leaves the bone marrow headed to peripheral lymphoid tissues.  IgD functions to signal B cell activation.  When IgD is unavailable, at abnormally low serum levels, HIDs (hyperimmunoglobulinemia D syndrome) results.
The proper functioning of proteins such as IgD keeps humans healthy.  If IgD does its job acceptably,  by activating  B cells to destroy antigens, the primary and secondary defenses will keep us healthy.  We will continue to get old.  We don’t have to be undesirably broken down and unhealthy, though.

Monday, December 12, 2011

No, that wasn’t the FEDEX truck.


FedEx’s busiest day of the year - thestar.com

Today, FedEx will have their busiest day.  You may reason that it is because of the season.  The carrier says today is especially busy because stores are trying to restock their shelves.  There is your answer to: “WHY IS THE RESTOCKING FEE SO HIGH?”

“On Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the unofficial start of the holiday sales season, tied to the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, the company noticed a definite surge in demand, especially for shipping luxury goods” (Vanessa Lu Business Reporter, thestar.com)

Are you still peaking out of your blinds?

A little distraction:



Friday, December 9, 2011

How special is Earth?


Looking Up planet

Looking Up: Wide-eyed at stars of wonder - Massillon, OH - The Independent

“The Earth is an amazing place, with just the right tilt, a protective magnetic field, a large moon that guards us from many meteor impacts, an active geology, thick atmosphere, a stable star (the sun) and other points we so quickly take for granted” (Peter Becker, GateHouse News Service, 12/9/2011)

The greenhouse gases make earth special.  The beaches make earth special.  The foliage makes earth special.  The warm temperatures make earth special.

heatAs in the article book, Earth’s Changing Environment (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc), the greenhouse effect warms the world’s surface and lower atmosphere.  The significant gases involved in this process are: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.  The heat that could potentially be lost by this cycle is prevented by the greenhouse gases absorbing radiation emitted from the world’s surface. The radiation is directed back toward the surface.

Our world and all of the intricate details it holds should be very special to us all.  Sure, we will take it for granted because there aren’t any obvious alternatives.  Go for a walk.  Just get up and walk out of your front door, walk until you get tired, and then keep walking.  You’ll enjoy it.  Imagine if the only option was to get on a treadmill, because the atmosphere was nearly inhabitable.

NASA is still trying to find another Earth. Walking until you are tired is personal.  Nationally, we have been looking walking around the universe nonstop since 1977, while taking pictures.

Breathe a little.  It is fun.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Imax goes to China

Who doesn’t feel as if the IMAX experience is worth their worldly presents?  The IMAX is moving up as the hub for all movies.

“The company on Wednesday signed a deal with Orange Sky Golden Harvest Entertainment (Holdings) Ltd. to open four additional giant screens in mainland China, bringing the total number of Imax screens open or committed to open in the country to 207” (BY DEAN NAPOLITANO, The Wall Street Journal 12/7/2011).

Tron IMAX 3D was on the the best so far on the giant screen.  It was classic to watch Tron defend his computer vs. player position as the gymnast.


If’n you don’t reach any other goal this season, you should curiously attend an IMAX 3D show.

Imax Expands in China - WSJ.com

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Scientifically making McDonald’s French fries Healthy.

Digestion of food and the transit of the resultant substances to and through the wall of the digestive tract have a significant effect on the rate and efficiency of their absorption.

There is a significant influence of viscogenic agents and of the components of the mucus layer on flow, mixing and mass transfer within and from the lumen.

Digestion subcategories are fragmentation, solution, enzymatic breakdown and mass transfer, all of which include characteristic time constants or rate kinetics.

"Carbohydrates, mostly glycogen, are present in animal tissues. Carbohydrates include a broad range of substances other than starch and simple sugars, notably gums and celluloses (Roger G. Lentle)."

Mcdonald’s French fry ingredients:French Fries:
Potatoes, vegetable oil (canola oil, hydrogenated soybean oil, natural beef flavor [wheat and milk derivatives]*, citric acid [preservative]), dextrose, sodium acid pyrophosphate (maintain color), salt. Prepared in vegetable oil (Canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ and citric acid added to preserve freshness). Dimethylpolysiloxane added as an antifoaming agent.

Starch granules are digested relatively slowly over a period of hours, the morphological sequence of breakdown varying with the species of plants from which the granules originate.

Amylase accesses the pores of the granule surface.

A broad range of carbohydrates, including resistant starches, non- starch polysaccharides, oligosaccharides and mucins, reach the large intestine were they undergo microbial fermentation that produces an array of short chain fatty acids. Only 10% of the energy requirement for humans is derived from these SCFAs.

The future results of digestion experiments will include controlled, developed processes that customize the physical characteristics of starch granules tailoring the rate of liberation and absorption to be compatible with the physiological dynamics of the consumer.

Roger G. Lentle, Patrick W. M. Janssen. The Physical Processes of Digestion. Science Chemistry General: SPRINGER, 2011, illustrated.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

9 Tips for Flat Abs from WebMD

flat abs

Flat Abs Pictures Slideshow: 9 Tips for Flat Abs from WebMD

Coffee cupGrab you a cup of coffee so you can get wired up and wide out. Ladies, and gentlemen.  It is time to get those beach weather abs: Rectus abdominus and the External abdominal obliques.  You start now so that when summer 2012 gets here you can rock the low cut shirts. 

“Don't get so into your abs that you overlook your other muscles. Your core muscles also include your glutes and back muscles…”

back muscles Stop with the sighing.  You need to work hard and lift weights to get the unable-to-scratch-your-own-back muscles.

In order to get the perfect abs, your back muscles, the Latissmus dorsi must be toned.


HCG.  Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is made by chorionic cell in the fetal part of the placenta during pregnancy.  If you don’t understand the function of the placenta, then maybe an age limit should be on this site.  You understand, though.  You’re able to cut you diet to about 500 calories. A single McDouble from McDonald’s is about 500 calories.  Imagine only eating one a day; nothing else.  No energy you say?  The HCG hormone activates to give the dieter the energy to function normally all day and all night.  You start burning calories with exercise, and before you know it you have lost large amounts of weight.  Taking HCG and not exercising or dieting won’t work.



“Are we going to the beach later?”  Ladies you’ll be smiling when you feel like singing Lady Gaga, ‘Paparazzi’.