Saturday, December 31, 2016

Job ethics

     The ethics scale is working.  It isn't unfairly tipping in either direction.   Employees and management should work as one.

     We must have ethics.  We need to remain honest, and aim towards the right thing at all times.  Always respect your job responsibility.

     Ethical behavior is defined as acceptable behavior, that is high quality. High quality means it is above being good enough.  Are all parties fine with a given situation? This is the question you should ask yourself.

     Is this statement too vague? 

     Well, a variety of individuals could give a variety of different answers as to what can be grouped as ethical behavior.

     Make the right choice when it involves recourse in relation to discrimination, harassment, conflicts of interest, product safety, or organizational resources.  These ethical dilemmas occur sometimes, but they could come all at once.

   Ask yourself, "what if the your decision, and behavior were exposed in the media for all to see?"

     "The utilitarian individualism moral rights and justice views offer alternative ways of thinking about ethical Behavior (Introduction to Management, by John R. Schermerhorn)." 

     Cultural relativism argues that no culture is ethically superior to any other and universalism argues that certain ethical standards apply everywhere.  Simply explained, group acceptance can make a unique behavior normal, as defined through the two terms.

     Google workplace culture is an excellent example. 

     "Gogglers share common goals and visions for the company, but we hail from all walks of life and speak dozens of languages, reflecting the global audience that we serve.  And when now at work, Googlers pursue interests ranging from cycling to beekeeping, from frisbee to foxtrot.  We strive to maintain the open culture often associated with startups, in which everyone is a hands-on contributor and feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions ("

     Keep your mind open and maintain high ethical standards. Some jobs provide their employees with ethics training.  There are screening techniques which reflect individuals with high ethical standards.  Added training can help workers better deal with ethical dilemmas in the workplace.

     Ethical codes of conduct - 
what an organization expects of its employees regarding ethical behavior at work.

     Managers' role in influencing the behavior of individuals in the workplace is very important. It is the responsibility of leaders to set a direction for team members. In majority of the cases, it has been observed that immoral managers intentionally choose to behave unethically. Amoral managers do not really pay attention to or think through the ethics of their decisions or actions. Moral managers consider ethical Behavior a personal goal. Whistleblowers expose the unethical acts of others and organizations even while facing career risks for doing so.  Whistleblowers tend to awkwardly give the managers an employee put of view.

    We have a copious amount of responsibilities at work.  Social responsibility is an obligation of organizations to act in ways that serve both its own interests and the interests of its many stakeholders.  Companies have to make necessary precautions to ensure everything is okay.  An organization's social performance can be evaluated on how well it meets economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary responsibilities.  If the performance is less than par, demands are made.  Corporate strategies in response to demands for socially responsible behaviour include obstruction, defense, accommodation, and proaction.

     Upper management has to be equally as responsible.  Corporate governance is the responsibility of a board of directors to oversee the performance of the organization's top management.

     The ethics scale is working. It is fair to all parties involved. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Stress Inhibits Peristalsis

     Have you ever been stressed, and then you couldn't eat?  Or, just the opposite, you were stressed, so you over ate.

     Why does stress alter our eating ?

     Stress is defined as a state of mental tension, and worry caused by a variety of issues, whether big or small.  Stress can be small, for example, not knowing what to order in a restaurant.  Stress can be big, for example, preparing a speech before addressing the nation as a new president.  The environmentally, and self imposed stress levels change human internal equilibrium.  Hormones are released.

          "When a person experiences stress, the brain releases a chemical called corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF). CRF triggers a cascade of other chemicals which eventually cause the release of the stress hormone, cortisol, from the adrenal glands,...("

          "Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), a 41 amino acid-containing peptide, appears to mediate not only the endocrine but also the autonomic and behavioral responses to stress ("

     Stress can impede peristaltic activity. Stress hormones are the primary ingredients of our fight or flight response. If we don't use the  energy and added benefits of the increase in adrenaline, our body has to systemically cope.  The chemicals are stagnant when they aren't used.  The gastrointestinal tract is blocked for efficiency in a fight,  whether it is a physical, mental, or emotional fight. Peristalsis activities decrease.

     What is peristaltic activity, you might ask.

          "Peristalsis: The rippling motion of muscles in the digestive tract. In the stomach, this motion mixes food with gastric juices, turning it into a thin liquid ("

     Gastrointestinal means that the location is in the intestines, or gut.  Gastrointestinal activities include ingestion, and propulsion.  Peristalsis  is part of propulsion inside of the GI tract.

     The peristalsis regulating hormone, CRF functions in an enzyme-substrate relationship with CRF receptors.  CRF receptors are localized in more parts than the brain.  CRF receptors are in the entrails, too. CRF impacts the digestive system directly. The impacts may be experienced as constipation, pain, or gastrointestinal upset. Stress can also alter intestinal permeability. Intestinal permeability rates how easily the walls of the intestines permit different substances to pass through.  The walls of the intestines are supposed to block poisons, but if they don't it is detrimental to our health.

Effects of Increased Intestinal Permeability:

abdominal bloating


joint pain

food allergies

fuzzy thinking


mood swings


hay fever



digestive problems


heart disease

sleep problems

weight gain

memory and concentration impairments


     The positive purposes of the stress hormones are to activate the fight-or-flight system.   In our fast-paced world the fight-or-flight system seems to be activated in many of us all of the time.

          "Through a combination of nerve and hormonal signals, this system prompts your adrenal glands, located atop your kidneys, to release a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and boosts energy supplies ("

     Why does stress stop peristalsis?

     Adrenaline heightens all of our senses. Cortisol is the dominant stress hormone. Cortisol increases glucose in the bloodstream.  The use of glucose increases.  Also, the availability of substances that repair tissues proliferates.

     Cortisol primes the body for fight or flight.   For example, before a race you won't have to use the restroom.  Likewise, in a fight you won't have to run to the restroom.  This hormone stems nonessential functions for a fight-or-flight situation. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system, and growth processes. Cortisol communicates with regions of your brain that control mood, motivation and fear.  Cortisol decreases peristalsis.

     How can stress make you not eat?

     Stress can suppress the appetite. The central nervous system, hypothalamus, produces corticotropin-releasing hormone. The stress response causes the stomach to stop digestion of food. The stress inhibited digestive system curbs peristalsis. All of these actions help us when we're in real danger, but can cause problems if the body experiences stress responses too often.

     How can stress make you over eat?

     High cortisol levels, in combination with high insulin levels, are the targets. Include ghrelin, the hunger hormone, too. Once ingested, fat- and sugar-filled foods have a negative feedback effect that inhibits activity in the parts of the brain that produce and process stress and related emotions. These are comfort foods, and they counteract stress.  People begin to crave these foods.

     Stress is a major environmental factor that affects us in many different ways. It can change your eating habits.  Stress inhibits peristalsis.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

     Are you looking to invest money?

     Smart investments are made via Exchange Traded Funds.

     Your investment account may be large or small.  ETFs aren't biased.  They have been compared, functionally, with mutual funds.

     Compared with a mutual fund, an ETF is a collection of stocks or bonds.

     ETFs are track indexes, for example, NASDAQ-100 Index, S&P 500, Dow Jones, etc. When you buy shares of an ETF, you are purchasing shares of a portfolio.  The portfolio tracks the yield and return of its native index.  ETFs don't try to outperform their corresponding index, but simply replicate its performance. They don't try to beat the market, they try to be the market.

     ETFs have been around since the early 1980s, but they've become popular within the past 10 years.

     How are ETFs priced?

    "An ETF’s underlying net asset value is calculated by taking the current value of the fund’s net assets (the value of all securities inside minus liabilities) divided by the total number of shares outstanding. The net asset value, or NAV, is published every 15 seconds throughout the trading day ("

     "Unlike mutual funds, ETFs can also be used for speculative trading strategies, such as short selling and trading on margin. In short, the ETF allows investors to trade the entire market as though it were one single stock ("

     Etfs are smart investments.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


     The USA medal count for the 2016 Rio Olympics was outstanding.  There were numerous types of competitors.  They were extremely conditioned.

     Some of the athletes were bruised with dark circles on a variety of locations on their bodies.  At first, the bruising was a little startling.  It had to be medical. There were more than just a couple of athletes with the same bruising.

     The circular bruises on their muscles were a result of the, message therapy, Cupping Method.

     It is also called Cupping Therapy.  This technique isn't new.  This has been practiced all over the world for hundreds of years.  The bruising kept the technique from becoming too popular, though.

     Special cups are strategically placed on different muscles.  A suction is generated in order to create blood flow and stimulation.

     The cupping method treats pain, inflammation, and circulation.  It can sensually promote well being, relaxation, and deep tissue message healing.

     "The cups resemble miniature gold fish bowls made out of glass, bamboo, earthenware, and sometimes silicon ("

     This method hasn't been completely hard wired with solid effects.  The results are somewhat controversial.  Research studies haven't connected a steady stream of documented ramifications.  The method dates back to ancient cultures from China, Egypt, and other places. A textbook entitled, "Ebers Papyrus", traversed the technique in 1,550 B.C.

     Repeat Gold Medal Olympian Micheal Phelps wasn't the first one to try the cupping method.

     "Cupping has been characterized as pseudoscience. There is no good evidence that it has any benefit on health and there are some concerns it may be harmful ("

     Although, there is no obvious, real benefits from the cupping method, it still sprung up during the recent 2016 Rio Olympics.

     In the 2008 book, written by Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst, "Trick or Treatment", it was written that, "no evidence exists of any beneficial effects of cupping for any medical condition."

     Why is it not proven to be effective you might ask.  The effectiveness of cupping therapy is difficult to determine as it is difficult to construct double blind or placebo-controlled clinical trials.

     It is reported that cupping may result in bruising, or skin infection. The discoloration forms via blood capillary expansion.  Excessive fluid accumulates in tissues.  Then, the blood vessels rupture.

     Individuals have been performing the action for over 3,000 years.

     There are two types of cupping: dry cupping and wet cupping.  

-Dry cupping-  the suction of skin with controlled bleeding.  

-Wet cupping- common cupping which involves creating a small area of low air pressure to epithelial tissue. 

     Wet cupping was the method displayed in the 2016 Olympics.  The cups can be a small variety of shapes.  

     There are cupping balls or cupping bells.  The cups range 1 to 3 inches (25 to 76 millimeters) across the opening.

     Today, plastic and glass are the most common materials used.  The ancient cupping therapy involved the horn, pottery, bronze, and bamboo cups.

     There is a low air pressure required.  Pressure is created by heating the cup, which, in turn, heats the air inside of it.   After the heating, apply scented oils, and then place the cup against the skin.  As the air inside the cup cools, it contracts and sucks the skin slightly inside.

     Vacuums can be created with mechanical suction pumps acting through valves located at the top of the cup.

     Rubber cups are also available.  They squeeze the air out and adapt to uneven or bony surfaces.

     Depending on the specific treatment, skin marking is common after the cups are removed.  Usually, the marking may be a simple red ring that disappears quickly. The discoloration left by the cups is normally from dragging them, while suctioned, from one muscle to another.  Dragging is done in order to break down muscle fiber.  Treatments should not be too agonizing.

     Cupping was mentioned in the news recently as being used in a manner that helps increase blood flow.

     Cupping was also in the news recently, and was implicated as a relaxation practice in a variety of sports.

     "Cupping therapy treatment creates hyper-localized suction on an athlete’s body. The hope is to help mobilize blood flow, drawing more blood to over-used muscles to help relieve muscle pain and promote faster healing"

     Overall, the bruising looks painful, but some popular/normal massages can be painful, also.  "Normal", as in a back message applied with hands. The pain is meant to target specific muscle groups for long term purposes. Cupping is another alternative. If you are up for new and adventurous relaxation techniques, voila.

     Consult with your licensed medical
practitioner before undergoing Cupping Therapy.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Food Trucks

     Food Trucks, over the last decade, have popped up everywhere.  They are a great alternative to going to your regular fast food establishment.

     In business, food trucks are a restaurant alternative.

     Food trucks can also be food trailers.  Food trailers are slightly cheaper.  In general, food trucks should be purchased used. The customization options are complete, and you can use the leftover change from purchase to add your own customizations.  

Price-    ~     $50,000.00 - $125,000.00

Kitchen ware, license fees, insurance, fuel, employee training, rent, and legal fees -   

              ~      $20,000.00 - $50,000.00

     You can spend a long time configuring your mobile eatery.  You can choose from outlandish paint jobs, to HD wraps that include your web address.  Before things get out of hand, make sure your kitchen is functional. List all of your required appliances.  Maybe, your station will have big screen t.v.s.  Plan, accordingly.

     The startup options can be simplified by seeking out your local food truck commissary. These places provide storage, preparation kitchens, and other paraphernalia that aren't small enough to ride in the truck.  

Food truck commissaries-

are commercial kitchens where food truckers go to prepare and store their food. Food truckers will often rent space in a commissary, which saves a ton of money over renting your own private commercial kitchen facility (”

     Using your own private kitchen would give your menu an awesome edge. Your ideas should be original, for example, pizza stones for the pizzas, pre-packaged omelettes, zesty vegetables, and other ideas you came up with which made you the world's greatest chef.  Great food produces repeat customers.  

     Pick your name. Bring your best customer service to the best local events.  Word of mouth marketing will follow with a worthy supply to meet the hungry-customer demand.  Your marketing strategies should include being on a plethora of social media, having giveaways, and shooting some commercials that inform the customer of your product.  Your website will connect to video sites where your “YouTube” videos will be.  Make certain you can be found on GPS.  Keep your ratings in check, too.  

There is literally a food truck for everyone, including those among us who have dietary restrictions. Gluten-free? Vegan? Kosher? Don’t worry, there’s a food truck for that (”

     Food Trucks are a palette to express your epicurean tastes, and art decor.  Make your truck compliment its surroundings.  Tow a mobile restroom.  Customers want to be able to wash their hands. Provide a clown that makes balloon art.  Turn up the sports games.  Put out a table.  Let your customers tell you what they want.  Use being mobile and outside to your advantage.

5 customers@10 minutes, each spending approximately $5.50 = $100,00.00 / year.

25 customers@35 minutes, each spending approximately $14.00 = $380,000.00 / year.

     What are your expectations on the flow of business?  Reach for the clouds.

     The average food truck schedule of hours, in a day, is around 17 hours.  This includes prep for the next day, and washing the truck.  You will have your work cut out for you.

The food truck was a creative response to particular economic conditions and an absence of government regulations preventing their formation. The confluence of these factors meant that the cost of creating a  food business was lower than ever before. As a result, thousands of food trucks flourished and created a new model.  Food trucks can launch fast and cheap, instantly get customer feedback, and iterate quickly to improve their product. Restaurants can’t do any of this (”

     Food Trucks, mobile restaurants, haven’t been main-stays that long.  They are a cool alternative to going to your regular fast food places. Give it your best shot, if you plan to go open a food truck business.  The market hasn't been saturated, yet.

     Entrepreneurs, start your engines!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Recombinant DNA

     In the field of genomics, including cellular biology and molecular biology, cloning is possible.  Recombinant DNA (rDNA) is manufactured, and genetic engineering takes place. Genetic engineering is the science of making changes to the genes of a plant or animal to produce desired results.

     Recombinant DNA is commonly known as cloned DNA.  It is a copy of the backbone of who we are as human beings.

     Recombinant DNA is possible because DNA molecules from all organisms share the same chemical structure. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. Human genetics teaches, and the Watson-Crick team found, that there is a repeating sugar-phosphate-nucleotide base structure. These sequences make up a map of who we are as individuals.

     If we were using a "genetic copy machine", recombinant DNA would be the ink. 

     Biologically active DNA, in use experimentally since 1977, forms by the individual joining of segments of DNA.  It includes the recombination joint edge of a heteroduplex duplex region where two recombining DNA molecules are connected.

     Recombinant DNA is also called cloned DNA.  This rDNA biotechnology produces many copies of a single fragment of DNA.  A single fragment of DNA is a gene which creates identical copies that constitute a DNA clone.

     In DNA cloning, a DNA fragment is inserted into a small DNA molecule.  This allows a molecule to replicate inside a simple living cell, such as bacteria.  Once the molecule begins replicating it is called a DNA vector/carrier.  Plasmids are circular DNA molecules that originated from bacteria, viruses, and yeast cells.  Plasmids can carry genes that provide the host cell, the cell where the original DNA fragment was inserted, with useful property.  cellular improvements are made.  Some examples are drug resistance, mating ability, toxic production, etc. Plasmids, in the lab, are great because they are small enough to be manipulated, and they will carry out splicing.

     Recombinant DNA has many uses as of 2016.  It is used in research and biotechnology.  It is also used in over-the-counter medicine, as well as prescription medicine.  Using rDNA for positive purposes has become a huge market. There are stacks of applications.

     Chymosin rDNA is commonly referred to as rennin.  The stomach of a cow naturally produces this enzyme. Since 1990, it has been considerably cheaper to clone chymosin.

    "Chymosin splits the casein protein of milk at a specific point and thereby effects clotting.  Casein clumps together to form curd and separates from the watery whey. Subsequently, the ripening process of cheese may begin."(

     Golden rice has been bioengineered with beta-carotene.  It also has the potential to reduce the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency worldwide.

     Beta-carotene is a carotenoid, antioxidant, that protects cells from damage.  Beta-carotene naturally occurs in carrots, fruits, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, squash, and fresh fruit.

     Insulin is the product of rDNA engineering, too.  Insulin is the medication injected by diabetics which regulates glucose uptake in the blood stream.  Recombinant DNA human insulin is spawned from humans.  The pharm industry has been ecstatic about it.

     Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas. Glucose, with the help of insulin, is able to be absorbed into the body.

     Type 1 diabetics have damaged beta cells in their pancreas. They require "sugar".

     Type 2 diabetics conditions aren't as extreme.  They will perform well with oral medications, simple diets, and exercise.

     Biotechnology, and rDNA have made many advances including: recombinant blood clotting factor 8, recombinant hepatitis B vaccine, herbicide-resistant /insect-resistant crops, and others.

     Proteins were first bioengineered as recombinant proteins in 1986.
     Recombinant human growth hormone (HGH) is used to support normal growth and development for patients with malfunctions in the pituitary gland. This offers a noticeable benefit when contrasted to previously used methods of obtaining the hormone. 

     Human growth hormone was developed in 1985 and approved by the FDA.

     Vaccines are the result of rDNA technology, too.  Vaccines are r-vectors.  They encode antigens.  These disease fighting antigens are introduced into the host cell.  The host cell, in turn, introduces the antigen to the immune system. 

     With the vector, there isn't a need for formulations, or delivery agents.  The plasmid functions via buffer, and saline solution.  These were established in 1997.

     "DNA cloning/rDNA technology is moving towards synthetic biology techniques.  These advances should enable faster DNA construction of the DNA clones. There will be drastic changes in the production of gene therapy vectors, recombinant protein production processes, and new vaccines."(

     Recombinant DNA (rDNA) involves the science of making changes to the genes of a plant or animal to produce desired results.  The technology has developed in small amounts over time, but it has a wide array of possibilities.

Friday, May 20, 2016


     We're electing a new president.

     Who are you voting for?

     Republican or Democrat?

     What issues are you rooting to find?

     The political process is very complex.  The issues are fragile.  Our votes are detrimental.  As individuals our votes are important. As groups, we can cause waves.

     Organizations come together to fund politicians.

     According, PACs, "may skew the legislative process in the next Congress in favor of the interests of large Super PAC contributors."

     In the image below you will find a list of organization names connected with a PAC.

Political action committees (PACs)-
A group that is formed to give money to the political campaigns of people who are likely to make decisions that would benefit the group's interests

Super political action committees (super PACs)-
established in 2010, both corporations and unions are allowed to make independent expenditures from their general treasuries; and nonconnected PACs, which are independent of corporations, unions, and political parties which make contributions and expenditures to support a particular ideology or issue.

     "The first PAC was created in 1944 by the Congress of Industrial Organizations, which sought to raise funds to assist the reelection of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. PACs were an ancillary part of political campaigns in the U.S. until the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (and its amendment in 1974). Ostensibly, the law was established to reduce the influence of money in campaigns by setting strict limits on the amount a particular corporation, union, or private individual could give to a candidate. By soliciting smaller contributions from a much larger number of individuals, however, PACs were able to circumvent these limitations and provide substantial funds for candidates. Following the reforms, the number of PACs proliferated, from about 600 in the early 1970s to more than 4,000 by 2010. With this proliferation came a massive escalation in the cost of running for federal office in the United States ("

     Under Federal law, an organization is considered a PAC when it receives or spends more than $2,600 for the purpose of influencing a federal election.

     Donald Trump, Republican businessman, has yet to establish which one of his PACs to support. Donald Trump is backed by MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, a non-profit organization headed by his daughters-in-laws.

     Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democratic former Secretary of State, is backed by PRIORITIES USA ACTION, and CORRECT THE RECORD, headed by top Clinton allies.

     Democracy is awesome.  We should research our political leaders, and inform ourselves on the issues as much as possible.

     "Few developments in campaigning have been as vilified and misunderstood as independent expenditure PACs, or, as they are colloquially known, super PACs (

     VOTE 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, is abbreviated as NADP⁺ . It is a cofactor used in anabolic reactions, such as lipid and nucleic acid synthesis, which require NADPH as a reducing agent (

     NADP is oxidized and NADPH is reduced.

Formula: C21H29N7O


Let's take a look at each component.

also known as niacinamide, is a colorless, crystalline, water-soluble solid.
, is the amide of nicotinic acid, and a component of the vitamin-B complex,found in meat, liver, fish, whole wheat, and eggs.  It is a primary amide. This chemical is not related to nicotine.

a compound that is one of the four constituent bases of nucleic acids. Adenine is a purine derivative. It is paired with thymine in double-stranded DNA.

a nucleotide is a compound consisting of a nucleoside linked to a phosphate group. Nucleotides form the basic structural units of nucleic acids such as DNA. The prefix "di-" means the nucleotide consists of two units.  Each unit is composed of a phosphate, a pentose, and a purine or pyrimidine base.

Phosphate- A salt of phosphoric acid (

The Biology of NADPH-

     Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate acts as a reducing agent in certain anabolic reactions.  NADPH is the reduced form of NADP+.  It is a coenzyme.  NADP+ has an additional phosphate on the 2' position of the ribose ring, attached to the adenine. NADPH forms when NADP+ molecules gain an electron from hydrogen.

     NADP + H1-> NADPH

     It is an electron carrier in a number of reactions, including lipid synthesis, cholesterol synthesis, fatty acid chain elongation, and nucleic acid synthesis. The electron carrier is alternately oxidized (NADP-) and reduced (NADPH).

Chemical name-
adenosine 5'-(trihydrogen diphosphate), 2'-(dihydrogen phosphate), P'-5'-ester with 3-(aminocarbonyl)-1-beta-D-ribofuranosylpyridinium, inner salt.

Why this chemical is important?

     In plants, NADPH is present during photosynthesis.  NADPH is produced by ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase  in the last step of the electron chain of the light reactions.

     It is also used as reducing power for the biosynthetic reactions in the Calvin Cycle to assimilate carbon dioxide.

     In animals, NADPH is abundant during the pentose phosphate pathway.

     In fat, and liver, the isocitrate dehydrogenase mechanism has vast quantities of NADPH.

     In mitochondria, NADH kinase produces NADPH and ADP, using NADH and ATP as substrates.

     NADPH provides the reducing equivalents for biosynthetic reactions and the oxidation-reduction involved in protecting against the toxicity of ROS (reactive oxygen species), allowing the regeneration of GSH (reduced glutathione).

     The NADPH system generates free radicals in immune cells. These radicals are used to destroy pathogens in a process termed the respiratory burst. It is the source of reducing equivalents for cytochrome P450 hydroxylation of aromatic compounds, steroids, alcohols, and drugs.


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Large Cash Positions

     Predict the economy's next move. 

     That is difficult.  The economy is unpredictable. Diversification is the safety net.

     Currently, March 2016, the economy is very volatile.  It is smart to keep a strong cash position.

     Cash position- 
     A cash position is the amount of cash that a company, investment fund, or bank has on its books at a specific point in time. The cash position is a sign of financial strength and liquidity. In addition to cash itself, it will often take into consideration highly liquid assets such as certificates of deposit, short-term government debt, and other cash equivalents. (

     The beginning of 2016 has marked 21 times that the Dow gained or lost 200,or more, points through March 1 compared to only nine in 2015. That has prompted investors to maintain large cash positions. A large cash reserve, in our early 2016 economy is found to be a reassuring cushion. The stock market has remained volatile up to this point in the year.

     In 2015, "The total cash held by high net households, or those who have $1 million or more investable assets in North America is cited as $3.8 trillion (Capgemini and RBC Wealth Management)."

     "Out of that total, $3 trillion to 3.5 trillion of those assets are estimated to be in the U.S. (Gary Zimmerman, CEO of MaxMyInterest)."

     All portions of the economy aren't tracked. When we are nervous about the economy, we attempt to find a detour from the current financial route. Consumer  checkings, savings accounts, and CDs are not tracked.

     It is a smart investment move, for the low income and high income sectors, to acquire large sums of their assets in cash.

     The trend is aiming towards nesting against market volatility while others want to have cash available to invest. Investors feel more comfortable holding cash, particularly if they have a near-term need for funds to apply towards an upcoming purchase, capital calls on private equity funds, or tax bills.

     The Millenial generation eyewitnessed the Great Recession, and they're wary. The Great Recession lasted from December 2007 to June 2009.  The 8 trillion dollar housing bubble loss of wealth led to sharp cutbacks in consumer spending. Now, investors are investing large portions of their funds in fixed income investments and cash, rather than stocks.  Investors who entered the market during the trough in March 2009 would have tripled their return by the end of 2015.

     "If we recognized the opportunity that the recessionary price drop created, we could have exploited other people's folly. Instead of losing money by selling, we could have bought Johnson & Johnson and increased our long-term total return on our new purchase to just short of 14% per annum (SeekingAlpha, 6/10/15, Chuck Carnevale)"

     Some investors have sought a more conservative approach.  The cause of this approach is the result of potential interest rate hikes, weak economic growth, and an upcoming presidential vote.

     "One of the most important things you can do to help manage the risk of volatile markets is to diversify. While it won't guarantee you won't have losses, it can help limit them. It was put to the test during the extreme market volatility in 2008 ("

     There isn't a perfect point in time to make the switch towards this prudent cash holding strategy. Investors often tend to mistakenly calculate cash deployment positions and negatively impact their long term goals.

     The alternatives to a large cash position are other assets such as fixed income or stocks. These alternatives may generate greater returns.

     In general, keep 2% to 4% of investment funds in cash, in order to take advantage of opportunities as they appear.  Be prepared for market rebounds. Moving away from short-term volatility means investors decrease their chances of selling stocks at the wrong time.  You could go into short/intermediate bond funds, or low-volatility growing dividend stock funds.  Volatility,  is minimized, but there is some room for growth.

     Investors are keeping large sums of money in cash positions.  This is a smart plan to deal with the economy.

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Mosquito-borne Zika Virus

     Have you heard of the Aedes mosquito?

     It carries the Zika virus.

     In the passed few weeks the Zika virus has been in quite a few headlines. The virus is intruding on our well being.  How is it intruding, though?

     Let's take a look at the situation.

     The Zika virus causes illness.  Most often, the illness isn't outstanding.  The symptoms that accompany the virus only proliferate for approximately a week.  The most susceptible individuals are unborn fetuses.  




joint pain

red eyes

     Currently, a vaccine doesn't exist for the Zika virus.

     “Treatment instead focuses on relieving symptoms and includes rest, rehydration, and medications for fever and pain (”

     The W.H.O. (world health organization) reported that on 1/7/2016, the mosquito-borne, Zika represents an international public health emergency.

     “There is an urgent need to do a lot more work,” said Margaret Chan, MD, director-general of the WHO. “We need a coordinated international response to make sure we get to the bottom of this.” -(


     If the W.H. Organization report doesn't grab your attention, then perhaps some of the other current headlines will.

     Additional Zika virus news:
“As Zika Virus Spreads, Doctors Try to Calm Fears”

“Emergency Declared Over Birth Defects Tied to Zika”

“Tiny but Dangerous: The Mosquitoes Spreading Zika”


     Research has linked the virus to an already well established disease in children, microencephaly.
Microencaphly causes fetal brain damage resulting in a stillbirth.

    “Officials in Dallas County, TX, reported Feb. 2, 2016, that one person caught Zika through sexual activity. (

     Quick Zika virus facts:

     1.  3 million to 4 million people could possibly be infected with the virus this year in the Americas.

     2.  Zika virus, first identified in Uganda in 1947, is transmitted by a mosquito that may also carry dengue fever, yellow fever, and the chikungunya virus.  It is also passed via std, and blood transfusion.

     3.  It causes fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis.

     4.  Treat it with over-the-counter medications for aches and pains. The disease usually runs its course within a week.

     5.  The CDC stated, Jan. 15, that it tested samples provided by Brazilian health authorities from two pregnancies that ended in miscarriage and two infants with microcephaly who died shortly after birth. In the two full-term infants, the Zika virus was present in the brain. In all four cases, genetic testing showed the virus was the same as the Zika strain circulating in Brazil. All four mothers reported having a fever and a rash consistent with Zika virus during their pregnancies, the CDC says.

     6.  CDC Travel Warning- Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela, and Puerto Rico.

     7.  If you're pregnant, and you've traveled to those areas, then, consult with your doctor.

     8.  Aedes mosquitoes, Zika carriers, are from North, Central, and South America.

     9.  Travel plans- bring mosquito repellant. These mosquitos bite during the day.  They are day time feeders.

     Stay away from mosquito infested areas.  Researches haven't established a complete pathway of the Zika virus.

     In current news,

     “The health department of Campinas, an industrial city near Sao Paulo, said a man with gunshot wounds became infected with Zika after multiple blood transfusions in April 2015. Officials said they determined that one of the people whose donated blood was used in the transfusion had been infected with Zika.”

“Also causing concern is the possibility of transmission through sexual contact. Health officials in Texas reported on Tuesday that a person in Dallas became infected after having sex with another person who had traveled in Venezuela, where the virus is circulating.”

     The Zika virus causes illness.  Most often, the illness isn't outstanding.  The symptoms that accompany the virus only proliferate for approximately a week.  The most susceptible individuals are unborn fetuses.  It can severely affect adults, too.