Humans rely on calories to survive, and proliferate. Calories supply the needed energy. Energy is the currency of the cell. Humans need energy to remain living. Why are there good calories and bad calories?
Good calories are designated as such because they have nutritional value. Nutritional value means that they will supply lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. These good calories will also come from fresh whole foods, quality meal replacements, and over-the-counter supplements. They have nutrient density. Consistently, you'll find that the monetary amount for the food depends on the quality of the calories. When you have the chance, compare the price of a calcium packed gallon of milk to an equally sized, sugar packed portion of soda. The ratio is really revealing.
In opposition of good calories, the bad ones won't provide any nutritional value, whatsoever. None. Individuals dedicate themselves toward removing bad calories from their diet. Bad calories are harmful to your health. Crummy calories don't score in the nutrient game. These erroneously, cheesy calories ride the bench. The coach wants these bad calories off the team.
Life continuation of the intelligent species leans on efficient calorie counting. Calories supply energy. Energy is the currency of the cell. Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is energy. There are easy ways to find good calories.
Use a calorie calculator. Calorie calculators are based on scientifically proven equations. These equations result in an average. The Harris-Benedict Equation was one of the earliest equations used to calculate basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy expended per day at rest.
The question:
Why are there good calories and bad calories?
The answer:
Nutritional value differentiation
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