Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (tRNS)
Monday, December 2, 2013
BITCOINS isn't real money, though. It has been called crypto-currency, digital currency, simply just cash for the internet.
"World currency, international finance, a world currency,supranational currency, or global currency refers to a currency that is transacted internationally, with no set borders ("
BITCOINS is the result of peer-to-peer technology. The coin operates with no central authority or banks as insurance of liability. Bitcoins business is carried out collectively by and via the network.
"What's wrong with the dollar bill?", you might ask.
Have you seen one of the latest video viral trends based on the greed of the season? WAL-MART FIGHTS, such as this one, (, found on YouTube, are the result of consumers trying to save money and splurge simultaneously on Christmas.
Consumers have morphed the holiday shopping season into the season for quitting your diet to order a number 13, and showcasing some WALMART-wing-chun for a 90" tv at "the store".
Shopping during the holiday season is getting dangerous. Cash here; cash there. Card transactions are better. Online shopping is a safer alternative to imbibe on all of the pretty-sales. Safer is a loose term, when speaking of web transactions, because of identity theft and other illegal surveillance tactics. Physically, though, online shopping is protected. Inflation is huge. The USD vs an international currency wouldn't be an even comparison.
BITCOINS are one type of money with one stash. It has been around for awhile, now. The first Bitcoin specification and proof of concept was published in 2009 in a cryptography mailing list by Satoshi Nakamoto.
"Bitcoins can be transferred from Africa to Canada in 10 minutes. There is no bank to slow down the process, level outrageous fees, or freeze the transfer. You can pay your neighbors the same way as you can pay a member of your family in another country("
According to BITCOINS, 1 BTC, equals 1,059 USD. This site shows the live exchange rate for BTC.
An authority on the issue of global money is John Maynard Keynes. He argues that such a currency would not suffer from inflation. Others debate that a single global currency would make conducting international business more efficient and would encourage foreign direct investment.
Alternatively, the main reason why one wouldn't accept BITCOINS on their next paycheck is that it isn't accepted everywhere. Cards are only recently reaching that status. Most people never see the cash value of their paycheck. Another reason why BITCOINS are bad is that everybody doesn't find keeping up with digital transactions to be easy. For example, you set up a Bitcoin wallet on your phone. Passwords are like keys on a key chain. With electronic keys the wallet app can regularly change for you. That means you need to keep an accurate track of those changes on backup. If you lose your phone and your keys, you’ve lost the money. The setup is an open source similar to Wikimedia. The concept is based on a "world agreement" that the rules of BITCOINS can't be changed.
So, the hours are done, and your salary expectations are complete. After all the hard work, we have to get paid with real money, right? Would you take BITCOINS?
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Fresh Air from House plants
First of all, locate sufficient light. If your house plant is failing to thrive, it may not be receiving adequate light to stimulate new growth. Add extra light with an incandescent or fluorescent plant light if you don't have enough natural light.
“How pure is the air you breathe? Plants are the lungs of the earth: they produce the oxygen that makes life possible, add precious moisture, and filter toxins. Houseplants can perform these essential functions in your home or office with the same efficiency as a rainforest in our biosphere (”
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Holiday travelling
Tis the season to be jolly...
Summer is just beginning to leave us, and the season is pushing its way in, already.
The year has flown by. It is family planning time, again.
Summer vacationers are on their way home. Now, the deals begin to show up. You can get your best ticket prices from the familiar or the semi-unfamiliar
You have to love this time of the year. Evenings filled with scented candles to Christmas lights to shopping to cooking, are unforgettable.
Unplanned spending can trigger cluster headaches, stress-related pain, and days of agony, though.
The holiday season is several weeks away, but now is a perfect time to book that flight and hotel for your Thanksgiving or New Year's celebrations.
"According to, you'll find the best deals on holiday flights when you book in mid-October. Fares will start to increase by as much as 25 percent the closer you get to the end of the year. ("
You've heard about last minute deals. This time of the year, though, that won't suffice. Procrastination can be the bomb detonation. Don't wait until the last minute to book your flight, hotel or travel package. You are at risk of paying a premium for all travel expenses. The extra money you save could be another gift for your special somebody.
Compare and contrast actual airline prices to the well known third party site prices.
One of the best ways to acquire a great deal on a flight is to fly inconveniently. If you can coordinate your holiday visits so that you fly on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day or even New Year's Day, you may be able to save a bag of money on your inbound flight.
" reports that the best money-saving days for travel are before Dec. 17 and after Jan. 3. Fares are also low on Christmas Day. reports that travelers returning on Thanksgiving Day could save as much as 20 percent on fares. ("
Maybe one of your headaches of the season is the airplane itself. Remember that road trips are awesome, too.
"Plan alternative trips if traffic makes your way home too overwhelming. Is there a scenic drive that might be longer but have less traffic? ("
You're pockets don't have to be sore after the holidays. You don't have to dread your bills for the first couple of months in the new year. Get your head start.
Take off your swim gear and break out your sweaters.
Happy Holidays!
Tis the season to be jolly...
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Nootropic brain enhancement
“Co-administration of piracetam with acetylsalicylic acid was accompanied by an expressed antiamnetic potential - the reduction of early markers of proteins degradation (aldehydephenylhydrazones, APH) by 21,7% (p<0,05) and late markers of proteins degradation (ketonephenylhydrazones, KPH) by 23,8% (p<0,001) was noted. This combination was 15,7% (p<0,05) more active than piracetam according to the effect upon KPH. NO2-/NO3- level was also decreased by 30,3% (p<0,05) in comparison with alloxan-diabetic rats. The significant anti-platelet effect was observed: degree of collagen-induced platelet aggregation was reduced by 56,8% (p<0,01), ADP (5 μmol/l)-induced - by 31,7% (p<0,01), ADP (20 μmol/l)-induced - by 47,3% (p<0,01) as compared to the hyperglycemic rats. Such an increase in nootropic activity of piracetam may be assumed to be directly related to the ability of acetylsalicylic acid to improve microcirculation in the ischemic areas of the brain in diabetes and probably to its neuroprotective potential.”
Friday, September 27, 2013
Netflix tv streaming
Is there too many things to do?
Are you so wired up that you need to wire down?
Tv always seems to play the same show, rerun after rerun, until you unknowingly laugh at it.
Cable is old, and satellite is getting there.
If you want the newest way to watch the same show, check out Netflix, via tv streaming.
"Netflix, Inc. is an American provider of on-demand Internet streaming media available to North and South America, the Caribbean, United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, and flat rate DVD-by-mail in the United States, where mailed DVDs are sent via Permit Reply Mail.The company was established in 1997 and is headquartered in Los Gatos, California.("
Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a provider. Its verb form, "to stream", refers to the process of delivering media in this manner; the term refers to the delivery method of the medium rather than the medium itself.A client media player can begin playing the data (such as a movie) before the entire file has been transmitted. An example of streaming media is Roku.
One might infer that, "regular old tv is already free". Shows on Roku, and other devices in the genre, are very different from regular tv shows. These vids are on demand, with no commercials, you can fast forward, you can rewind, and pause, etc.
"Just between you and me...there are some great shows on netflix that couldn't be found on other channels." Netflix originals are great, too. "HOUSE OF CARDS" has exceeded all possible expectations.
All in all, Netflix is a great way to waste large amounts of time.
Unwind with a commercial free, relatively cheap, wide plethora of choices on streaming media.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Not enough sleep
Good morning.
This is a phrase we use so much that it is virtually devoid of any meaning. It shouldn't be devoid of meaning, though. This should follow behind your waking up, bright eyes and bushy tailed, doctor recommended 8 hours over night sleep.
The truth is that it is devoid of meaning because so many Americans suffer from sleep deprivation. Rest consists of less than six hours, and sometimes three or four hours. The statement becomes a fuzzy, "g'mornin'...".
Sleep deprivation is defined as:
a condition of not having enough sleep. It can be either chronic or acute.
"In the long term, the clinical consequences of untreated sleep disorders are large indeed. They are associated with numerous, serious medical illnesses, including:
High blood pressure
Heart attack
Heart failure
Psychiatric problems, including depression and other mood disorders
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Mental impairment
Fetal and childhood growth retardation
Injury from accidents
Disruption of bed partner's sleep quality
Poor quality of life
(Chronic Sleep Deprivation and Health Effects"
"A recent North Carolina study revealed that sleep deprivation creates increased ghrelin levels thereby sending signals to your brain that you’re hungry. Maintain proper sleeping habits by getting to bed at the same time each night, and creating a dark, comfortable atmosphere in your bedroom. Aim for eight hours. You’ll not only feel reenergized, but it’ll also positively impact on your metabolism.
We should boldly be able to say, "Good morning!", with a huge smile. The smile then entails that, wow this person has had a great nights' rest.
Lets deprive ourselves of sleep deprivation.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Round Research
The C. elegans is a is a free-living, transparent nematode, also called a round worm, about 1 mm in length. The C. elegant thrives in temperate soil environments.
This worm has been especially integral in science in the past decade. One reason is simply because of its short life span. In 2002, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Sydney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz and John Sulston for their work on the genetics of organ development and programmed cell death in C. elegans. The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Andrew Fire and Craig C. Mello for their discovery of RNA interference in C. elegans. The list is virtually bottomless. Most recently, not the least interesting, has been reported in the popular news journal, Plosbiology. ( " Anthranilate Fluorescence Marks a Calcium-Propagated Necrotic Wave That Promotes Organismal Death in C. elegans."
"Oxidative and Thermal Stress Do Not Increase Blue Fluorescence. Lipofuscin is formed through accumulation of oxidatively damaged proteins and lipids. For example, raised oxygen level (40% O2) increases lipofuscin levels in human fibroblasts. To probe whether the blue fluorescent material in C. elegans gut granules is lipofuscin, we exposed them to normobaric hyperoxia (90% O2), and elevated iron levels. Both treatments significantly increased protein oxidative damage but neither increased blue fluorescence levels. Elevated expression of hsp-4::gfp is indicative of the unfolded protein response, symptomatic of protein damage. Heat shock increased hsp-4::gfp expression but not blue fluorescence. These results imply that C. elegans blue fluorescence is not generated by oxidative damage, suggesting that it is not lipofuscin. In this study, we have shown that conserved mechanisms underpinning neuronal necrosis can also contribute to organismal death. In so doing we provide the first insights into the last biological events in the life history of C. elegans: those leading to its final demise. Identification of an endogenous fluorescent marker of death led us to discover a calcium-generated wave of necrotic cell death that occurs during, and can contribute to, organismal death. We have also chemically defined the source of the endogenous blue fluorescence that is a salient characteristic of C. elegans. C. elegans Blue Fluorescence Is Not Lipofuscin. In this study we have defined a new phenomenon, death fluorescence, which may be useful in future as a marker of death in lifespan assays. While DF means that blue fluorescence cannot be used as a biomarker of aging we confirm that red fluorescence does increase with age. Moreover, tdo-2(RNAi) can be used to abrogate blue intestinal fluorescence to aid the viewing of expression of intestinally expressed fluorescent reporters. Materials and Methods Worm Maintenance and Strains Standard C. elegans strain maintenance and genetic manipulations were used. All strains were grown at 20°C on NGM plates seeded with E. coli OP50 as food source unless otherwise specified. N2 (Bristol) was the wild-type. Oxidative Stress Assays: Hyperoxia treatment. Young N2 adults were placed in either 90% O2 or air at 25°C for 5 d on 10 µM FUdR (fluorodeoxyuridine), OP50 seeded NGM plates. Iron treatment. Heat shock treatment. Carbonyl measurement. Blue fluorescence measurements. Microfluorimetry Time-lapse photography. Single-animal vermiculture. C. elegans Killing Assays and DF Measurements Worms were killed in three ways, all of which result in bursts of blue fluorescence of similar magnitude."
The C. elegans is important to the point that around the world many hundreds of scientists are working full time investigating its biology.
An international consortium of laboratories collaborated on a project to sequence the entire 100,000,000 bases of DNA found out that 40% of its genes have human matches.
It was the first worm to be sequenced. This worm is only 1 mm, but it is of gargantuan importance.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Leap Wireless Rimmed by AT&T
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
“About 1,660,290 new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2013, and in 2013 about 580,350 Americans are projected to die of cancer, almost 1,600 people a day. Cancer remains the second most common cause of death in the US, accounting for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths. ( ”
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Live in your vacation Dream
Dreams relating to a house often refers to various aspects of the Self. When trying to analyze the house in your dream, consider also how the house is kept and the condition of it. The rooms in the house relate to facets of your personality
Right now is a miracle. Right now is the only moment guaranteed to us. Right now is life. So let us stop thinking about how great things will be in the future. Stop dwelling on what did or didn't happen in the past. Learn to be in the here and now and experience life as its happening. Appreciate the world for the beauty that it holds, right now. Lets start noticing and living in the present !!
Glen Rambharack quotes