Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Ranger Betrayal, chapter 1, by Swegi Gonbup, Gonbup Production©2023

Chapter 1: The Fishing Trip

     Ranger looked out at the vast expanse of water, his fishing rod in hand. The sun was setting over Lake Conroe, casting a warm golden glow across the horizon. He took a deep breath, the familiar scent of the lake filling his nostrils, as memories of his childhood in Texas came flooding back.  Ranger was a mixed-race man, born to a White father and a Black mother. He had grown up in a public school in Texas, where he had learned to appreciate the great outdoors and developed a love for fishing. But today, he wasn't here to fish.  In fact, the fishing trip was just a ruse. Ranger had told his wife, Trish, that he was going on a fishing trip with some old friends from college. But in reality, he had other plans. 

     He had been feeling restless and dissatisfied with his life lately, and he had made a decision that he knew would change everything.  As he sat there, pretending to fish, Ranger felt a mix of excitement and guilt. He knew he was about to do something that would betray his marriage, but he couldn't help himself. He had been feeling disconnected from Trish for a while now, and the thought of exploring something new and different was too alluring to resist.  Ranger had met Trish, a Black woman raised in a private school in London, England, during his time at university. They had fallen in love and eventually tied the knot, but lately, things hadn't been going well between them. Their once passionate relationship had turned into a routine, and Ranger couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness that had settled in his heart.  He had been having thoughts of his future, and as time passed, he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. Ranger had always been a restless soul, craving adventure and excitement. The responsibilities of marriage and a career had slowly taken their toll on him, and he found himself yearning for something more.  Ranger had been feeling guilty about his decision to cheat on Trish, but he couldn't deny the thrill that surged through him as he thought about the woman he was about to meet. Her name was Sandy, a Brazilian woman.   She was a vibrant and passionate woman who had entered his life unexpectedly.  As he sat there, pretending to fish, Ranger reflected on his childhood in Texas. He had grown up in a small town, surrounded by vast fields and open skies. He had spent his days exploring the wilderness, fishing in the nearby lakes, and dreaming of a future full of adventure.  Now, as he stared out at the lake in front of him, Ranger couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. He had come a long way from that young boy with big dreams and wild ambitions. He had built a successful career, married a beautiful woman, and created a stable life for himself. But somewhere along the way, he had lost a part of himself, and he couldn't help but wonder if he had made the right choices.  

     Ranger had always been a loner at heart, and he had grown accustomed to keeping his true feelings hidden from others. He had a tough exterior that he had developed over the years, but deep down, he longed for a connection that went beyond the superficial.As the sun dipped lower in the sky, Ranger decided it was time to head back to his cabin. He had made arrangements to meet Sandy later that evening, and he couldn't keep her waiting. He packed up his fishing gear, took one last look at the lake, and started walking back to his cabin.  When he arrived, he quickly changed into a clean set of clothes and headed out to meet Sandy. He had made a few purchases online from the nearby stores.

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