Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Ranger Betrayal, chapter 4, by Swegi Gonbup, Gonbup Production©2023

Chapter 4: Phone Call

     Ranger's phone buzzed, and he saw that it was a call from Sandy. He hesitated for a moment before answering, knowing that he should not be talking to her while he was at home with his wife,  Trish.  The temptation was too strong, and he found himself answering the call.  He meandered into the backyard.  "Hey, Sandy," Ranger said, his voice filled with excitement as he heard her sultry Brazilian accent on the other end of the line.  "Hey, babe," Sandy replied, her voice dripping with seduction. "I miss you already. I can't stop thinking about our time together."  Ranger's heart skipped a beat as he recalled the passionate moments he had shared with Sandy by the lake. He felt a surge of guilt, knowing that he was betraying Trish's trust.  "I miss you too, Sandy," Ranger admitted, his voice filled with conflict. "But we need to be careful. We can't keep talking like this. I'm married, and you know that."  

     Sandy chuckled softly, her voice teasing. "Oh, come on, Ranger. Don't be such a hoe. Live a little.  "Ranger clenched his jaw, torn between his feelings for Sandy and his commitment to his marriage. He knew he was playing with fire, and the guilt gnawed at him.  "I know that thang is spicy, but I can't, Sandy," Ranger said firmly, trying to steel himself against her advances. "I'm married to Trish, and I love her. We can't keep doing this."  Sandy's tone turned sulky, and she pouted over the phone. "Fine, be that way. You know where to find me if you change your mind.  Fique tranquilo, garotinho."  Ranger sighed, feeling both relieved and conflicted as he ended the call with Sandy. He knew he had to put an end to this illicit relationship, but the temptation was strong, and he was struggling to resist it.  

     Later that day, Ranger met Trish at Top Golf for lunch, as she had suggested. They sat in a cozy corner of the restaurant, and Trish's presence brought a smile to Ranger's face. He loved her deeply, and he felt a pang of guilt for betraying her trust.  As they enjoyed their meal, Ranger and Trish engaged in an intoxicating conversation, laughing and reminiscing about their shared memories. Trish's sorority charm was evident, and Ranger found himself drawn to her once again. But the guilt still gnawed at him, a constant reminder of his betrayal.  After lunch, Ranger excused himself, claiming that he had some errands to run. In reality, he was planning to get his truck lifted and install a new stereo as a distraction from his inner turmoil. He needed to clear his mind and find a way to resist the temptation of Sandy's alluring presence.  As he waited at the auto shop, Ranger's thoughts were filled with a mix of guilt, desire, and regret. He recalled his childhood dreams of adventure and the choices he had made that led him to this point. He had always been a friendly and outgoing person, known for his athleticism and charm, but now he found himself caught in a web of deceit and temptation.  The lift kit installation and the stereo upgrade took longer than expected, and Ranger found himself growing restless. He missed Trish, and he realized how much he had jeopardized their relationship for a fleeting affair with Sandy. He knew he needed to make a decision, and he needed to make it soon.  Headed back home in his newly upgraded truck, Ranger's mind was in turmoil. He knew he had to end things with Sandy once and for all, and he needed to find a way to rebuild the trust he had broken with Trish.

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