Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Refund, please. ch. 5, by Swegi Gonbup, Gonbup Production©2023

Chapter 5 Research student.

     The next morning, Tommy woke up feeling a newfound sense of determination. He was going to make the most of his gigolo career and turn it into a thriving business. 

     First, he needed to do some research. He spent the day pouring over books and articles about the gigolo industry, taking notes and jotting down ideas. He learned about the different types of clients and what they were looking for in a gigolo. He read about the importance of discretion and confidentiality, and how to build a loyal client base. As the day turned into night, Tommy's head was swimming with information. He decided to take a break and grab some dinner at a nearby diner, Denny's. As he sat at the counter, sipping his coffee, a middle-aged woman sidled up to him. "Hello there," she said, batting her eyelashes. She was a milf. Not at all a hooker. She had grab-tempting tits. Her jeans didn't lessen the impression. Cute face, too. Her vibe was mature. 

     Tommy smiled politely, "Hi."  The woman leaned in closer, "You're a handsome young man. What brings you to this part of town?" Tommy raised an eyebrow. "Research," he said simply. The woman's face fell. "Oh. Well, if you ever need a...subject for your research, you know where to find me." Tommy chuckled, "Thanks, I think I've got all the research I need.  The research I want is going to be hard" She enjoyed herself. The waitress brought Tommy's order.  Tommy played his hand.  Milf-muffin laid her cards out.  She agreed.  Erection material, right there. The woman shrugged, anticipating their subsequent meeting, and walked away.  Tommy finished his meal in peace. 

     He slurped the freshly poured coffee, and thought about the different types of clients he had read about. Some were lonely, looking for companionship. Others were seeking excitement and adventure. And then there were those who simply wanted someone to talk to.Tommy made a mental note to keep these different types of clients in mind as he built his gigolo business. He knew that by catering to their specific needs and desires, he could build a loyal client base and make a name for himself in the industry.  

     As Tommy paid his bill and walked out of the diner, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He was going to be the best gigolo he could be, and he was going to make a lot of money doing it.
The next day, Tommy hit the streets to do some field research. He walked around different parts of town, observing the types of people who lived there and the businesses that were thriving.  He walked in front of a fancy hotel, and decided to go in.  He was curious about what kind of clientele it attracted. As he walked through the lobby, he saw a woman sitting in a plush chair, staring at her phone. 

     Tommy approached her and introduced himself. "Hi there, I'm Tommy. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" He gave off a warm, friendly vibe. The woman looked up at him, intrigued, "Sure, go ahead." Tommy asked her about her job, her hobbies, and her interests. He listened intently as she spoke, taking mental notes about the things that seemed to excite her and make her happy.  Interesting.  Money making knowledge. As he left the hotel, Tommy felt a surge of confidence. He was getting better at reading people and figuring out what they wanted. He knew that this would be a valuable skill in his gigolo business.  Over the next few days, Tommy spent his time studying business models and developing a plan for his gigolo career. He decided to focus on providing high-quality service to his clients, while also building a reputation for discretion and confidentiality. He also decided to create a luxurious website, and some social media accounts, to promote his services. He spent hours designing the website and creating content that would appeal to his target audience.

     As the weeks went by, Tommy's business began to grow. He started getting more and more clients, and his reputation as a top-notch gigolo began to spread. He even hired a few other gigolos to work for him, expanding his business and taking on more clients.  Despite the challenges of the gigolo industry, Tommy felt fulfilled and happy. He was doing what he loved, and he was making a lot of money doing it. He knew that there would be bumps in the road along the way, but he was confident that he could handle anything that came his way.  As he lay in bed at night, Tommy thought about all of the people he had met along the way. Some had been lonely, looking for companionship. Others had been seeking adventure and excitement. And then there were those who simply wanted someone to talk to.  Tommy knew that he had the skills and experience to meet all of those needs and more. He was determined to be the best gigolo he could be, and he knew that he had a bright future ahead of him.

     As Tommy's business continued to grow, he became more and more successful. He began to travel to different cities, meeting new clients and expanding his network of contacts.  One day, Tommy received a call from a woman named Julia. She was a wealthy socialite who lived in New York City and was in need of a gigolo for a high-profile event. Tommy was thrilled to have been chosen for the job, and he immediately began making preparations for the trip.  

     When he arrived in New York, Tommy was amazed by the city's energy and class. He checked into a luxury hotel and began to get ready for the event.  As he was getting dressed, Tommy realized that he had forgotten his cufflinks. He quickly called the hotel's concierge, but they didn't have any cufflinks available. Tommy started to panic, he couldn't show up to the event without the proper attire.  Just then, there was a knock at the door. It was Julia, holding a small box. "I heard you needed some cufflinks," she said with a smile.  Tommy was grateful and amazed by her kindness. As he put on the cufflinks, he realized that this was a special kind of gigolo relationship. This is one that went beyond the physical.The event was a success, and Tommy impressed all of Julia's guests with his charm and wit. Afterward, Julia took him out for a night on the town, showing him some of her favorite spots in the city.  Over the next few days, Tommy and Julia spent a lot of time together. They went to art galleries, took long walks in Central Park, and even went on a helicopter ride over the city.  As their time together drew to a close, Tommy realized that he had feelings for Julia that went beyond the gigolo-client relationship. He didn't know how to tell her, though, and he didn't want to risk jeopardizing their business relationship.  

     On the day of his departure, Julia gave Tommy a gift.  It was a small, silver bracelet. "This is for you," she said. "To remember me by."  Tommy was touched by the gesture, and he knew that he would never forget Julia or their time together.  As he boarded the plane back to Dallas, Tommy felt a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. He had built a successful business and had met some incredible people along the way. He knew that there would be more challenges and adventures ahead, but he was ready to face them head-on. Mr. Tomislav Stepovich, once a young man with nothing but a dream, had become a successful entrepreneur and gigolo extraordinaire. He had found his place in the world and was ready to take on whatever came his way.

     Then, Evelyn meandered in his direction.  He couldn't see the case she carried.  A psych patient that didn't remember she had ordered sex. Evelyn refused to ask, politely, for a refund.

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